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The TTRPG Community Stands with Ukraine Bundle

A bundle hosted by poorstudents with content from 84 creators.
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Buy 112 items for $5 Regularly ~$532 Save 99%!
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This bundle ended 2022-03-17T10:00:00Z.

In the wake of the recent and still developing Ukraine/Russia conflict, many of us feel paralysed and unable to help as we watch the news and stories of those directly affected. A group of indie developers have come together, building a bundle of TTRPG products to support Ukrainians in direct need due to this conflict.


Important Information:

Although the bundle is priced at $5.00, we ask you give as much as you feel comfortable. There are more than 100 products, valued at over $500.

Secondly, we ask you share this bundle on social media, with your friends or other members of the RPG community. Any additional support will mean more donations and aid for those affected.

The bundling will be running from the 7th to the 17th of March.


Donations and Proceeds:

All proceeds will go to support Ukraine humanitarian efforts by Canadian Red Cross Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal We choose this appeal because the Canadian Federal Government is matching donations dollar for dollar, effectively doubling the total donations from this bundle.

The following deserve a huge thank you for helping this bundle get off the ground: Mark, RileyNychelle, Cat, Spencer

Includes the following items: