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Huetopia Creator Day Bundle

A bundle hosted by Huetopia with content from 32 creators.
DRM free
Buy up to 40 items starting at $10
Save 88% at $10 ($87.89 value) · Save 87% at $20 ($154.84 value) · Save 85% at $35 ($244.19 value)
of goal
average contribution
top contribution
This bundle ended 2022-02-26T05:00:00Z.

2/23 UPDATE: We continue to be in awe of the support pouring through here. To the 50 people that have bought this bundle, you have our eternal gratefulness. For the final two days, we're going to post one last stretch funding goal of $2400. This would make each share of the revenue approximately $69 (nice)! If you haven't yet, be sure to follow Huetopia on Twitter, where we'll be heavily promoting this bundle, but also where you can regularly see us shouting out and uplifting BIPOC causes & creators. Let's gooooo!!!

: Y'all blew past our initial goal, THANK YOU! Your support means so much to us, and we are incredibly grateful. There are so many wonderful creators here that need this money, we're setting the new goal to $1,000. If we can hit that amount, this means everyone can get at least $30 directly paid to them.  If you can't afford the bundle, that's okay! We urge you to buy a couple games directly while these folks can get 100% of the revenue. 

What better time to do our first ever bundle than a Creator Day?? All creators here are BIPOC, holding many hats to fulfill their dreams. As Caretakers, it’s vital to us that we step up to support these folks wherever we can. Huetopia is a space that strives to uplift BIPOC creators of all styles in the tabletop industry, including providing tools & resources to make the games, shows, art, and stories we wish to see in this world. We’re offering this bundle of 35 contributions at three different tiers to best balance providing you with a quality & affordable spread of games, while also ensuring creators get paid. 

For $10, you get 9 games and 5 supplements, perfect for all sorts of easy-to-pick-up shenanigans! Additionally, we’ve provided a snazzy mobile-first PDF that serves as a reference document for you to meet all the creators and quickly refer back to each individual game page (to hopefully rate & review)! Please make sure to follow and support these individuals where you can. 

 For $20, you also get 11 more games lovingly grouped as the Emotional mini-bundle (and no, the queers are not okay 😂). Whether you need a solo or group game, these are perfect experiences to explore & feel your feelings. Be sure to check out the games’ content warnings and communicate safely with your table (& yourself!) to have an enriched & informed session.

Finally, at $35, we’re offering 14 more games that run the gamut of adventures, world-building, and good ol’ campaign storytelling. Please take this charcuterie board of systems & settings to build a palette of colorful stories and memorable experiences. 

 We ask you to share this bundle far and wide across social media, as we are hosting it for an entire week.  Truly, every retweet, quote retweet, and reply helps bring awareness to these creators! 

 All purchased of this bundle are split evenly between contributors using a co-op shares model, with the exclusion of Jess (@burst0fhope, Longing In The Eternal), Mo (@sirenabesos, Cryptid Cruisin’), Jan (@hellotenbear, Crow Island: funeral//PROCESSION), and Orion (@OrionDBlack, Mutants In The Night), all of whom have volunteered their games and opted out of taking a share.  

Includes the following items:

At $35.00 or above

A Forged in the Dark table-top role playing game about finding
create dates in liminal spaces as destined lovers across spacetime
A Post-Fantasy Worldbuilding Game
A GM-less, solo or collaborative, choose your own adventure style cyberpunk TTRPG set in Neo-Millennia.
A Lasers & Feelings tribute hack for fans of medieval courtly romance and rock and roll!
Survive—and look good while doing it.
A hack of Grant Howitt's The Witch is Dead
A GMless TTRPG about Vampires trying to recall their memories.
Be a member of a Chinese Family, collaboratively exploring and creating a Chinese Ghost story
A Dream within a Game.
A One-Shot Horror TTRPG in the Middle of Nowhere
Narrative detective game about trying to obtain redemption.
A Dungeon Crawl TTRPG
GM-less game about magicians who commit a wide range of crime

At $20.00 or above

Found audio, office politics, and getting killed by terrible monsters.
Create constellations and the stories behind them as the last crew of a generational ship flying through space.
A Time Loop game where you find yourself
A solo TTRPG exploring a portion of East Central Crow Island during the early years after its creation.
Arrive at an ethereal, extradimensional location and explore a memory of loss.
Descended from the Queen game about Queer Community and Parasocial Relationships
a self-reflective letter writing game for solo play
A game where you explore your neurodivergent vampiric lives through the Blink, discovering your joy & healing.
A storytelling game about the mundane life of an immortal person
2-player story building game about relationships and their ends

At $10.00 or above

An unofficial supplement for Rowan, Rook and Decard's Heart: The City Beneath
A solo game about a journey. Play while you walk and kick rocks
The GM-less HS Volleyball Anime TTRPG
A Final Fantasy Summoner inspired playbook for the Slayers RPG
A Final Fantasy Paladin inspired playbook for the Slayers RPG
Attend a vampire support group to make friends, complain, and cause shenanigans.
a game about winning immortal love
A game about vampires trying to claw their way to the top in showbiz.
A Crash Pandas hack full of Lowriders and Chupacabras
a game written entirely while asleep
A Final Fantasy Reaper inspired playbook for the Slayers RPG
A Final Fantasy Sage inspired playbook for the Slayers RPG
A game where you play as the toys on a kid's floor who must fight the monsters in every shadow.
A quick & convenient hyperlinked bio summary of all the contributor bios & game summaries for Creator Day (Feb '22)