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The DreamSEA Bundle

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Buy up to 10 items starting at $10
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This bundle ended 2022-02-25T08:00:00Z.

From across Southeast Asia, we present this exceptional bundle of ten special games.

Dive deep into the bundle into an immense variety of playstyles, stories, emotional peaks and valleys. From dice-based adventures to tower masquerades; solo forays and burning cities; even the heartbreaking singularity of a breakup to the vast reaches of space.

To unlock more games, purchase the bundle at higher tiers. Games from lower tiers are automatically included! 

Even supporting at the lowest tier already nets a 20% discount; buying all games nets you a whopping 50% off from the bundle total.

Support creators, receive wonderful games...while nurturing the SEA 🌊

Includes the following items:

At $50.00 or above

A technomythical tactical mecha RPG inspired by Filipino Mythology

At $40.00 or above

An anthology of games about home and going away
Pathos, arcana, calamity—and the infinite loneliness of power. A journalling RPG.

At $30.00 or above

A game about finding your way home.
A xianxia RPG of duty, redemption, and loss.

At $20.00 or above

A game about queens, eerie towers, and lost dreamers in love
One-page RPG about making promises and saying goodbye.

At $10.00 or above

Solve cases. Die horribly. Get high. Roleplay as halfling detectives fueled by magical pipe-weed.
A micro-rpg analog game about concerned citizens investigating a dubious local project
A solo journaling game about analog food in a digital future.