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The Clawhammer Compendium 2021

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Buy 10 items for $10 Regularly $15.00 Save 33%!
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This bundle ended 2022-03-31T06:00:00Z.

A collection of excellent games developed by lovely, creative minds of the Clawhammer community! Each of these games was designed as part of a weekend Clawhammer game jam. We aspire for greater things, however: should we reach our funding goal, these gorgeous games will get a whole lot gorgeous-er, as we use the funds to compile them into a full-on zine! Whether you're interested in the games enclosed in this bundle or you simply want to support the next generation of indie developers, we're happy to have you aboard!

If you'd like to participate in these game jams or communicate with other members of the indie tabletop community, join our Discord server!

Includes the following items:

At $10.00 or above

A storytelling and roleplaying game about walking down memory lane using music
A solo TTRPG about metamorphosis.
the surreal history of a magical wilderness
A two-player game to be played on a discord message
A storytelling TTRPG for three players
An IRL/journaling experience about seeing your day-to-day life through someone else's eyes
A game where everyone's human and nobody has an agenda.