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Czech & Slovak Games Week Bundle

DRM freeUp to 6 Steam keys
Buy up to 13 items starting at $9.99
Save 84% at $9.99 ($65.92 value) · Save 82% at $19.99 ($114.90 value)
This bundle ended 2021-11-22T20:00:00Z.

Join Czech & Slovak Games Week for the first time also on and let's celebrate this event with developers from both countries with these 13 games from 8 awesome studios. 

The second annual event celebrating the Czech and Slovak games is here. This time on the occasion of the national holiday of November,17th, which is celebrated nationwide in the Czech and Slovak Republic to commemorate the events of 1939 and 1989. The Day of the Struggle for Freedom and Democracy is primarily linked to the year 89 and the so-called Velvet Revolution, which marked the peaceful transfer of power and the advent of democracy. It represents the beginning of free entrepreneurship in our countries, including the gaming industry, which gradually developed during the 1990s to its present form. 

More information about games and connected events at

Alien Horizon is a free game supported by Patreon donations. Purple Nebula gets no revenue from this bundle.

Includes the following games:

At $19.99 or above

An exploration adventure and puzzle game from the award-winning creators of Machinarium and Botanicula
Hardcore Survival Singlepayer
Historically-accurate adventure about ordinary people during World War 2.

At $9.99 or above

Scarab Tales is ideal game for holidays! Play 100 original levels or download new level packs from our community server!
Samorost 2 is a short adventure game in which you help a little space gnome to save his kidnapped dog.
A color-filled hidden object game from the world of animals.
Dex is a 2D action RPG set in a cyberpunk open-world, with a focus on exploration and non-linear gameplay.
Role Playing
An interactive encyclopedia for kids and their parents.
VR rhythm game on steroids – fitboxing, free style weapons, multiplayer, custom songs and videos...
A puzzle game with dos-aestethic and adlib audio
VR multiplayer space shooter with RPG skills leveling
Horror Meets Sokoban; Kidnap, Sacrifice, Witness!
A sci-fi survival city builder