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Cold Hearth Collective presents... Free RPG Day 2021!

A bundle hosted by Ember and Ash Verified Account with content from Ember and Ash, Glowing Roots Press, mags, Michael Van Vleet
DRM free
Pay what you want for 5 items Regularly $26.00 Save 100%!
This bundle ended 2021-10-18T06:59:59Z.

The members of the Cold Hearth Collective appreciate your support over this past year. Each of us making our own little escapes and terrors. As a big "thank you" on this, the best day of the year, Free RPG Day, we offer these few sacrifices to the community; spooky tales for a spooky season...


Shiver: Madeleine Ember's Trophy Dark One-Shot incursion where you are the brave heroes trying to save your village from starvation in the freezing depths of winter. Will your travels to the Everspring bring bounty? Play to find out!

Gift of the Sea: The award-winning Trophy Dark incursion from Gabriel Robinson. The holiday of Greentide is upon us! Will you join the sacrifices to the Queen of Tides, or will you claim her treasures for your own?

Setting a Second Sun: Mags offers up this Trophy Dark incursion. Two suns burn in the sky. Night has vanished. Water stores have dried. The Dog Woman in the Mahai'i Desert can solve these problems, they say. Can you find her, and will she help, and what price will she claim?

The Quick and The Grave (or What's So Lucrative About Grave Robbing): The award-winning writer Michael Van Vleet puts you in the shoes of grave-robbers in this rules-light game. When those bodies, perfectly good resources all, are just left to rot in the dirt, what will you do to dig them up and sell them?

What's So Cool About Vampire Hunting? Natalie Ash offers a rules-light monster-hunt. The unquiet dead have arisen and prey on the poor mortal fools of the towns and cities. You know how to stop them, and you have quite the score to settle. In the darkest nights, will it be fangs or stakes that turn triumphant?

Many of these are available in print, if you should like them, as well as other excellent horrors, available from many fine retailers or directly from the Cold Hearth Collective at

Includes the following items:

Pay any amount

Save your town from starvation in this Trophy Dark incursion in search of The Everspring.
Stalking Those Who Stalk The Night
An incursion for Trophy Dark
What's so lucrative about grave robbing?
A tidal folk horror incursion for Trophy Dark