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DragonMeet Marginalised Folk Bundle

A bundle hosted by Sealed Library Verified Account with content from 19 creators.
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Buy 23 items for $20 Regularly ~$129 Save 84%!
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This bundle ended 2021-11-29T23:00:00Z.

The DragonMeet Marginalised Folk Bundle is a collection of fantastic games by amazing creators put together to raise funds to help marginalised folks attend DragonMeet.

We've got up to twenty tickets available, kindly given to us by DragonMeet and we'll be focusing on helping folks experiencing marginalisation and financial hardship to participate in the con.

The funds we raise will be to help cover accommodation, travel, food and other miscellaenous con costs. For each $250 raised we'll pass the amount minus payment processing and converted to GBP on to a beneficiary.

We're actively seeking beneficiaries for the bundle at launch. In the event we have more beneficiaries than tickets available we'll set up a diverse committee to make some choices. If we raise additional funds beyond tickets available we'll make a donation to the Albert Kennedy Trust. for more info.

Includes the following items:

At $20.00 or above

A game of legendary items & transient heroes.
A D&D 5e horror adventure for 3-5 1st level characters
A complete roleplaying game. Go deeper Into the Odd as a treasure hunter with a failed career and a colossal debt
A demon possessed your charge. How do you save them?
A tiny little system for playing heisting tricksters
A Tetris-inspired Tunnel Goons-y dungeon crawler
A droptable lootcrawl generator. Loot. Hexmaps. Lootmaps.
Bring down the mountain in this epic 5e fantasy adventure for 3-5 3rd level characters
A mini zine point crawl adventure for Mausritter.
exploring strange worldscapes
A solo journaling game about exploring the sea in search of the unknown
An OSR-style dungeon module for levels 1-3
A pamphlet adventure for Troika! set in the world of Acid Death Fantasy
Journaling RPG about Traveller Stories
A Game About An Object That Only Exists In Your Mind
solarpunk 24xx/BitD sci-fantasy w/ procedural starter dungeon
A GM-less TTRPG about being, or pretending to be, psychic
A fantasy RPG set in the World of Memory and Magic
A system agnostic science fantasy heist on a resort space station
An antipastoral pointcrawl set in the vagrant hills in the borderlands where no good men dwell.
A system agnostic science fantasy pamphlet adventure.