This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-01-01 06:00:00 to 2024-02-01 05:59:59. View 89 entries

Start the year off with a great achievement by publishing a new Tabletop Roleplaying Game (ttRPG), adventure, splatbook, resource, mechanic, toolbox, or what-have-you that you started and completed in the month of January.

The Rules of the ttRPG JAMuary are as follows:

1. Create something new for the ttRPG hobby

2. Support and encourage your fellow JAMuary participants (advice and feedback should be constructive and considerate)

3. Consider making your JAMuary creations free to the other participants

Here is a great list of public domain art resources for you to use in your ttRPG project:

Fari's library of Free and Open RPG Resources is a great place to find a base game to hack or create new material for:

And in the spirit of being a good neighbor, here are some other Jams going on at the same time. Maybe one of these is a good Jam for you!
24-word RPG Jam
Ace Jam 2024
Foul Play Location Jam!
Gaming Like It's 1928
The Grande TROIKA! Spherical Faire & Exhibition
Zine Jam: Growth Edition

Thank you for being awesome and good luck in all things!


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A dungeon crawl inspired by The Island of Dr. Moreau. Compatible with Cairn and DURF.
a game for 1+ players
Play any game solo or expand your journaling games.
Generate a dungeon one word at a time.
You know that spell. Right?
EVA for Ironsworn: Starforged
A 24-Word Journal Prompt RPG Zine
A Billionaire's Lair in honour of Jennell Jaquays
A system-neutral RPG supplement for playing characters with no homeland
a one page science fiction system neutral pointcrawl
A one page, 24-word TTRPG about trying again to save the ones or things that you could not before.
Standalone negotiation game and system-agnostic bartering module
8 NPCs to add to your fantasy adventure games
A short dungeon generator for any system
A solo exploration rpg
A Jennell Jaquays memorial dungeon
TTRPG Solo Mystery Engine
A God Slaying Solo Tabletop Game
And one day they arrived. An alien invasion setting.
A slapstick romp about an unlikely hero!
Drift through the arctic ocean for centuries
Western RPG where Snake Eyes mean success
A tarot-driven storytelling guided play. Create a world and tell your story via cooperative roleplay.
A Galactic Crash Site Exploration
Dark Eyed Children Versus Eldritch Horrors
A one-page solo RPG about finding and retrieving she whom you lost.
"Sal in vulnere; Sal in diaboli"
A TTRPG adventure about rot, decay, and the life here after. Playable with any system.
A solo AI and Hex Crawling supplement for The Mecha Hack
A table for encountering locked doors in any TTRPG
Who, When & Where are You in Time?
A Procedural Soulslike Role-Playing Game for 1 to 6 Undying.
OSR-style exploration and problem-solving without the violence and horror.
Set a timer. Do some work. Roll for prizes.
A Solo-RPG about looking back and saying goodbye.
A plain text dungeon adventure for the #24WordRPGJam
A postcard mystery and murder game on a train 🚂
Turn reading into an RPG adventure.
Because you are a fungus. And you are valid.
One die. One friend. One battle. #24wordrpgjam
a stocked dungeon geomorph for Quarrel + Fable
A Badger and Coyote hack inspired by Star Wars spies
a 24-word Hopepunk TTRPG
Play as a super-hero and use puns to defeat bad guys.
Psychedelic Roguelite TTRPG
A Hamburger Xianxia game about using weird dice math to slay a tyrrant.
A game/supplement about cooking monsters
A solo rpg about explorating a mysterious cave
Volume II of the MOSAIC Strict Spellcasting System
A Two Player Game About Late Night Conversations
12 Otherworldly beings offering power at a price
A 24XX Hack about urban animal spies running chaos missions.
In Heaven When I See You
A solo waiting RPG about compassion
A Narrative Combat and Choreography Toolkit
Corporate Assasination in a Garbage Death-less World
A tabletop rpg adventure for Be You Bold
A modular dungeon pamphlet for Old-school Essentials
A Game of Samurai Drama, Intrigue, and Poetry
a solo RPG with MECH and DRONE placement
Six Legendary Magic Items with legend, illustration, description, mechanics and campaign ideas for each!
A ripe adventure full of cheesy puns and alliteration.
You are a spotted hyena. Where do you stand in the hierarchy of the clan?
This is a hack of Takuma Okada’s ALONE AMONGST THE STARS. YOU are a solitary shopper.
He is watching, smiling...
A tabletop game about Amelia Earhart.
A wresling Micro-RPG using rock, paper, scissors.
An Introspective Solo Journaling Game
An Architectural Fantasy on a Ruined Earth
A micro-rpg about stage actors performing their last and being dramatic about it.
Flatmates go through a lot together. And your differing world views dont make it easy.
A quick-math game in 24 words to beat up your friends.
A post-apocalyptic setting and adventure based on Caltrop Core
A one-page micro-ttrpg about gathering ungatherable things to do your bidding.
A core mechanic concept for a lightweight tactical combat TTRPG
A zine about cooking and food in TTRPGs
Are you down to CLOWN?
A solo journaling poetry game where you lose yourself in Fairyland
Micro Cosmology/Pantheon
A d20 table for weird object actions
Micro-TTRPG about making a name for yourself - both literally and figuratively
Forget the promise of progress: in the grim dark future of post-humanity, there is only... THE GAME!