This jam is now over. It ran from 2025-01-17 05:00:00 to 2025-02-01 07:59:59. View 176 entries

This is a jam for creating TTRPG settings that can fit within a few pages. Worldbuild on a small scale from January 17th-31st.


  • Make a TTRPG micro setting supplement/zine/booklet that’s no longer than 8 pages.
    • It can be for any TTRPG system you’d like or it can be system agnostic. 
    • Any images (e.g. illustrations or maps) must be included within the page limit.
  • Keep the scope small, easy, and fun to make. Instead of expansive atlases of entire planets, think more along the lines of cities, towns, ruins, gardens, parks, neighborhoods, houses, etc.
  • In the same spirit, feel free to submit rough drafts/beta versions/ashcans/text-only projects.
  • No previously published projects. One of the goals of this jam is to encourage people to make something new. While you can submit stuff you were working on before, we highly recommend trying to create something from scratch.
  • No generative AI anywhere in your submission or submission page. This includes AI generated “art” and text.
  • Charge whatever you want for your setting (paid, PWYW, free, etc.).
  • Adult and NSFW content is permitted, just label them appropriately.
  • No fascists, racists, homophobes, transphobes, sexists, and other bigots.

Optional Challenges

If you want some extra constraints to spark your imagination, try out one of these challenges:

  • Limit yourself to an 8 page single-sheet micro zine.
  • Keep the scope of your micro setting to a single room.
  • Include at least 3 plot hooks.
  • Use only Public Domain/CC0 art.
  • Make your supplement/zine/booklet diegetic (something that can be found and used in the setting itself).
  • Make a setting collaboratively.
    • Additional Challenge: Agree on broad strokes and create setting elements separately. See what happens when you bring them together!
  • Play a worldbuilding game and make your micro setting zine based on that world.


This is a growing list of resources to help you make your micro setting.