This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-11-05 17:00:00 to 2021-11-07 17:00:00. View results

GDS JAM 2021


Monday 15.11.2021, 19:00 (CET), At Steam!




GDS Jam 2021 is a 48h hackathon in making games. Anybody can sign up and compete for honor and fun. Game jams are here to bring people of various skills keen on game development together; an opportunity to meet new friends, acquire new skills, try out new ideas, be creative. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned game developer, GDS Jam 2021 is for you. In this year, we go fully virtual.

This time, Gamedev.Cuni.Cz and GDS are joining forces with Game Days Košice and Bratislava Game Jam to create CZ/SK GAME JAM WEEK 2021! What does that mean you ask? We have common opening ceremony, a keynote speaker and even some diplomas! In the end, panel of CZ/SK judges will be choosing THE BEST GAME of CZ/SK GAME JAM WEEK 2021!


COVID ALERT! (Again :-() No surprises - it will all happen online this year as well. But we know from 2020 that it can work pretty well! The Internet is blessed with so many free online tools that makes it work. No worries, we have a confidence you are being able to pull it off and that online jamming will still provide fruitful experiences!

This Discord channel will be at the heart of all our efforts, so please join it as soon as possible.



The jam runs in Central European Summer Time. CET == UTC+1 == GMT+1 == PST+8

(ProTip: You can click on any information related to time to see a page converting it to other time zones)

Friday 5.11.2021

17:00 - Opening speech by organizers (Stream Link)

18:00 - JAM THEME announcement during the live stream

18:00 - JAM STARTS! You have 48 hours to create your game

24:00 - No matter your time zone, when it's midnight at your place, join the MidnightCheers channel on Discord to have a common Cheers with your beverage of preference!

(ProTip: you can join this channel basically every hour as there will always be a group of people having midnight :))

Saturday 6.11.2021

Full day devoted to game jamming!

12:00 - Screenshot Noon - Send a screenshot of your game to our Discord channel!

20:00 - Pub talk! Grab a bottle and let's chat at Discord about the jam, troubles, FAQ!

24:00 - No matter your time zone, when it's midnight at your place, join the MidnightCheers channel on Discord to have a common Cheers with your beverage of preference!

Sunday 7.11.2021

12:00 - Screenshot Noon - Send a screenshot of your game to our Discord channel!

17:00 - Time is running up!

18:00 - Jam ends! 18:00 - Submissions closed (HARD deadline!)

18:00 - Voting period starts!

Monday 8.11.2021 - Sunday 14.11.2021

Voting time! All jam submitters + contributors may vote!

9.11.2021 - Deadline for submitting your 1-2min gameplay video to GDS Jam 2021 Competition

14.11.2021 24:00- Voting ENDs!

15.11.2021 19:00 - GDS Jam 2021 Ceremony - Results announcement with a showcase of games (LINK-TO-APPEAR-HERE, follow our Discord for more info Discord and in the email as the time might change slightly)


Nothing can replace the feeling of creating and experimenting with something new. However, we will still like to give some form of feedback and appreciation for your creations.

There are several prizes available for participants

1. CZ & SK Game Jam Grand Prix 2021 (as voted by the panel of judges) will receive the certificate signed by our jury. The rest will be announced soon!

2. The Best Game of GDS Jam 2021(as voted by participants) will receive signed certificate by our jury. The rest will be announced soon!


All participants who will submit a game or who will be a contributor to some submission may vote on the games. Note that you will NOT be able to update your submissions during the voting period to ensure fairness! Although, you can modify your webpage however you want.

There will be 7 categories to rank the games with: -

  • Overall impression (PRIMARY CATEGORY)
  • Theme (is the game related to the theme?)
  • Innovation (is gameplay innovative?)
  • Fun (game is fun to play?)
  • Controls (game controls are snappy, easy to play with?)
  • Visuals (nice looking game?)
  • Music & Sounds (nice audio in the game?)


Register account or login if you have one and click on "Join jam" button above (scroll up).


GDS 2021 Discord - there is dedicated channel for jammers!

Facebook - Event to share with / invite your friends!


Max team size - 4 jammers; join the jam; submit your game on time to!

The build must run either on Windows 10 based computer and/or Android 6.0+ mobile device; if you're targeting WebGL, make sure it works in Chrome and Firefox!

Official Jam Rules - Including judging process and jury!

Code of Conduct - To sum it up - Be kind and polite!

Jam Terms & Conditions - Lawyerish regular stuff!



All submissions
Browser playable (10)
Windows (21)
macOS (2)
Linux (1)

No submissions match your filter

A short exploration game with music
GDS Jam entry 2021
​Bliss.png not included
Play in browser
...Earth had to face the unknown
Slap them humans! Don't let them make first contact with your kind!
Play in browser
Game about helping someone and overcoming the assumptions and prejudices.
Play in browser
Can you talk to the cube?
Play in browser
A point and click adventure game about an unexpected Earth invader.
Draw symbols to communicate with an ancient sealed being and decide its fate.
2D Top down adventure
GDS Jam 2021 - First contact with unkown intelligence
Play in browser
You are a PM
GSD 2021 Entry.
Venture on a journey to find one's true self.
Show your alien clients the beauty of our planet in this earth tour guide for aliens.
Hug all aliens.
A game about encountering an unknown entity.
Play in browser
Defend your mining station against hordes of hostile aliens
Play in browser
Space Adventure about Journey into Unknown.
Interactive Fiction
Play in browser
Play in browser
Mark all the citizens with the stamp while obeying all the quick changing laws of the extraordinary society.
Discover ways to slow down exctinction of mammuths!