This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-11-06 17:00:00 to 2020-11-08 17:00:00. View results


Wow, 53 entries, incredible! Thanks a lot for your energy fighting this year not-so-easy-actually-quite-hard theme! Now is time to get some rest and then get to playing and voting! All submitters, contributors and jam organizers can vote on games and that's what the winner will be decided upon! So take your time, take this responsibly, take this with ease.

In the meantime, create short 2min gameplay video and submit it to, technically it has to be MP4, 1080p, H.264, 9000 Mbps minimum.

Last but not least, stay tune for Saturday and make room in your schedule as of 20:00 (CET) as we will be hosting big online event through Zoom (capacity for 200 people guaranteed). We will be sending more info in a few days about this event.


Good morning!

We are looking forward to your games! Remember that testing is highly vital to any game. If you are still developing new features try to stop for a moment! Just play the game as it is, write down bugs, write down hard edges, write down things that needs to get polished. Isn't the list long enough already? Couldn't you do some smart game design decisions to cut off non-implemented features and just use what is already there?

Remember, 18:00 CET is HARD DEADLINE for submitting your game. Reserve at least 1 hour to do it as it includes page setup, exporting your game, confirming it works, not mentioning fights with ;-)


Good morning!

We hope you had a decent sleep! For the brain to work faster and smarter, we advise a light breakfast, cup of green tea or coffee and some bits of physical exercise. Effect is guaranteed ;-)

Today, you should focus on creating your early prototype, remember, faster you have the core gameplay loop, faster you can get to polishing, which really matters! See the 4:44 talk by iconic jammer Rami Ismail!

Do not forget to post some screenshots around noon! It does not need to be from the game, screenshots from IDEs are fine as well!



Hello everyone!
Sign up here if you haven't already and go through the following crucial material:
- Jam started EMAIL!
- Important info for Jammers
- Theme Notes and Food for Thought
- Save the link to GDrive folder containing all above for quick reference
- And do not forget to enter the Jam Discord channel!


GDS Game Jam is 48h hackathon in making games three weeks prior the Game Developers Session. Anybody can sign up and compete for honor and fun. Game jams are here to bring people of various skills keen on game development together; an opportunity to meet new friends, acquire new skills, try out new ideas, be creative. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned game developer, GDS Game Jam 2020 is for you.

This time, Gamedev.Cuni.Cz and GDS are joining forces with Game Days Košice and Bratislava Game Jam to create CZ/SK GAME JAM WEEK 2020! What does that mean you ask? We have common opening ceremony, a keynote speaker and even some prizes! In the end, panel of CZ/SK judges will be choosing THE BEST GAME of CZ/SK GAME JAM WEEK 2020!


COVID ALERT! So it will all happen online this time. Yeah, this s*x, but internet is blessed with so many free online tools that can make it work. We have confidence you are being able to pull it off and that online jamming will still provide fruitful experiences!



The jam runs in Central European Time.
CET == UTC+1 == GMT+1 == PDT+9

Friday 6.11.2020

17:00 - Opening speech - Kate Edwards, GGJ Executive director (Link)
17:40 - JAM THEME announcement during live stream
18:00 - JAM STARTS! You have 48 hours to create your game

Saturday 7.11.2020

Full day devoted to game jamming!
12:00 - Screenshot Noon
Send a screenshot of your game to the Discord channel!
20:00 - Pub talk!
Grab a bottle and let's chat at Discord about the jam, troubles, FAQ!

Sunday 8.11.2020

12:00 - Screenshot Noon
Send a screenshot of your game to the Discord channel!
17:00 - Time is running up!
18:00 - Jam ends!
18:00 - Submissions closed (HARD deadline!)
18:00 - Voting period starts!

Monday 9.11.2020 - Saturday 14.11.2020

Voting time!
All jam submitters + contributors may vote!
11.11.2020 13:00 - Deadline for submitting your 2min gameplay video to CZ/SK Game Jam Week competition!
14.11.2020 18:00 - Voting ENDs!
14.11.2020 20:00 - Zoom GDS Jam 2020 Madness + Results announcement (link provided on our Discord and in the email)


There are multitude of prizes you can gain ;-)

1. The best game of CZ/SK GAME JAM WEEK of 2020 (as voted by the panel of judges) will receive the Grand Prize of CZ/SK Jam Week 2020 - Pico-8 virtual console + surprise.
2. The best game from GDS Jam 2020 (from voting by submitters) will also be granted spot in the GDS 2020!
3. Members of the team behind the best game of GDS Jam 2020 will receive classy wireless headsets (via post)!
4. There might be more... stay tuned!

Prizes will be sent to / can be claimed by European jammers only, we're sorry!


All participants who will submit a game or who will be a contributor to some submission may vote on the games. Note that you will NOT be able to update your submissions during the voting period to ensure fairness!

There will be 7 categories to rank the games with:
- Overall impression (PRIMARY CATEGORY)
- Theme (is the game related to the theme?)
- Innovation (gamplay is innovative?)
- Fun (game is fun to play?)
- Controls (game controls are snappy, easy to play with?)
- Visuals (nice looking game?)
- Music & Sounds (nice audio in the game?)


Regsiter account or login if you have one and click on "Join jam" button above (scroll up).


GDS Discord - Dedicated channel for jammers!
Facebook - Event to share with / invite your friends!


Max team size - 4 jammers; join the jam; submit your game on time to!
Code of Conduct - Be kind and polite!
Jam Terms & Conditions - Lawyerish regular stuff!


GDS Jam 2020: GDS page, FB,, Discord
Bratislava Game Jam 2020: official webpage, FB,, Discord
Košice Game Days Jam 2020: official webpage






All submissions
Browser playable (12)
Windows (38)
macOS (3)
Linux (3)
Android (1)

No submissions match your filter

Try not to be fooled by the goblin, suspect about his almanac and follow the appraiser's advices to avoid the CURS3.
Back to origins of conspiracy theories
Filter or promote tweets in the dystopia social network tweetery.
Interactive Fiction
Play in browser
Short adventure game about weird circumstances.
Our world is surrounded by a lot of urban legends.
A Little Mouse Adventure
Journalist decides about hoaxes
Keep your brain clean and safe!
Play in browser
no one will ever have the capacity to get to know everything they want
Play in browser
Role Playing
Play in browser
Can you deliver the information to the recipient without data loss in the packet?
A campaign for the path of becoming the cat goddess. Let's see how your inner feline reacts to misinformation :)
Play in browser
Election simulator where you candidate as a populist politic
A game about being the real president! Wow!
Interactive Fiction
Věříte všemu, co čtete?
Tribute to the old legend. For GDS Jam 2020
Role Playing
Fast turn-based puzzle game - be an evil lizard and put chips into all humanity!
Play in browser
Can you beat the disinformer?
Play in browser
Point and click OS and browser simulation.
​Two employees of the ballot counting has been bribed by the democrats and the republicans to ensure their victory.
Turn news into fake news!
Use the Truth or Propaganda to affect other Potatoes in competitive couch multiplayer!
Play in browser
Build your knowledge as you rise, but don't forget to think for yourself.
Psychiatric treatment facility colorful adventure
Have you ever thought how it is for an AI to make decisions on the credibility of important life topics?
Wake up sheeple!
Adventures of Wernher Von Braun
Do not allow aliens to steal your cows!
Play in browser
Dust the USA in 15 seconds
Create as much conspiracy theories as you can and upload them on your facebook page!
Delve into the mind of a conspiracy theorist.
#desinformation strategy
Human, who represents the Truth, competes with Troll, who represents the misinformation.
With your own planet slowly starting to take a turn for the worse, your job is to look for "Plan B" worlds
What is real? What is fake? Circle back to colors.
Play in browser
Pigeon’s Aren’t Real is a 2.5D game. Where you Become an operator of a pigeon drone!
Play in browser
There are many ways to solve a crime
What if 2020 never happened?
2D Sidescroller