This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-03-10 23:00:00 to 2022-03-20 22:59:59. View results

First Vircon32 Jam

What is Vircon32?

Vircon32 is a 32-bit virtual console, designed to be very simple to learn and emulate but capable of running full, interesting games. You can learn more about it at its website, or just watch this presentation video to have a rough idea of how it's like.


This jam has no theme, the idea is just to make your first Vircon32 game!

Still, if you have no idea to base your game, we propose an optional theme: classic games. This includes not just classic videogames (i.e. Space Invaders, Breakout, Minesweeper...) but also physical games such as pool, ping pong, checkers, connect 4, etc.

It is OK to make a clone of a classic game but still, be careful to not infringe copyright if you use original names or trademarks.


After voting, the winners of the jam will be awarded:

  • 1st prize: a copy of the Bundle for Ukraine!
    This is a huge bundle, with 991 games, and all profit from it is donated to charity.
  • 2nd prize: a license for aseprite.
    It is one of the best pixel art editors out there, so that you can keep making games.


If you want to take part in this jam, the rules that your submission should follow are simple:

  • It has to be a game playable in Vircon32 console.
  • You must include the *.v32 rom file as a download in your submission.
  • You may use assets from Vircon32 tutorials and sample projects, as well as public domain images and sound/music. Still, you must provide some original content as well. Don't use assets from other existing games unless it's something minor.
  • Please avoid abusive, sexual or excessively controversial content. The organizers can disqualify games that use problematic content, at their discretion.


Games in this jam will be voted using these criteria, in order of importance:

  • Gameplay and overall fun
  • Graphics and sound
  • Originality

Remember that following the theme is optional, so that will award no points.

How to make games for Vircon32?

If you want to learn the game creation process for this console you should check the console website. It features multiple guides and tutorials to get you started, as well as an API documentation.

Another good place to look at are the existing games, demos and test programs. You can find all of them at the console's GitHub repository.


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