This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-10-23 07:20:00 to 2024-12-01 23:59:00. View 11 entries

ECO MOFOS!! is about exploring a Weirdhope future world, where Punks (the players) rummage through Ruins and traverse Wastelands to find a safe homestead to start a new community, their Glade.

The theme, inspired by Yochai Gal's Cairn Jam, is combining those three environments "A Ruin, A Glade, a Wasteland." into adventures for ECO MOFOS!! into whatever scale works for you, from one page adventure to 32 page zine. So if you could include those three things, or variations on them, that'd be perfect. For some great examples of adventures in this world, check out these:

Mecha Mystery: To Put Away a Sword

Family fun with hoverboards Into the Antlion's Den

A deadly exploration of an old Bunker Abyss Protocol

A billionaire's pad, fallen into ruin A-Hole in the Ground

Body horror cult in an old silo The Silo

Oil as an infectious disease Malady Jalopy

A dreamy delve Tower into Elsewhere

Please use stats native to ECO MOFOS!! If you're already working on something for another system and would like to submit it, please join the COPY/PASTE Discord server to ask for help converting your idea.  Feel free to join anyway, just to hang out and talk games and life. We have a jam channel as well.

You can charge whatever you like for whatever you produce, and there is no 3rd-party license to create things for ECO MOFOS!! If you get really into it, contact me through the Discord and I can pass over logos and stuff if you'd like that. All writing is licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0. Recycle, reuse and repurpose the text for your own creations. 

But no bigotry, no AI, and give credit. 

I can't wait to see what you come up with for this, whether it's a scrawl on a napkin or a stitch-bound tome. Jam image by Daniel Locke


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A slice of village life with domestic problems for ECO MOFOS!!
A ruin and wasteland for ECO MOFOS!!
A treetop adventure site for ECO MOFOS!! & Electric Bastionland
A Radioactive Forestcrawl for Eco Mofos
A pocketzine for Eco Mofos!!
A coastal point crawl on a post collapse Great Lakes
An Eco Mofos Micro-setting of Weird Hope
A small location for Eco Mofos!!
A coastal adventure for ECO MOFOS!!
An Eco Mofos!! adventure module.