This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-10-26 10:00:00 to 2024-11-24 11:00:00. View 30 entries

It is time for the 4th annual DURF Jam! A month to hang out and brew some fun supplements or adventures for DURF.


DURF is a rules-light dungeon-fantasy tabletop RPG inspired by the best of both the old and the new school of TTRPGs. It's free to download and designed to be a bare-bones system you can stick things on top of without having to worry too much about it fucking up some obscure rule.

Check out the DURF Collection for a bunch of things folks have already made for DURF!

Jam Rules

  1. Make whatever you want as long as it is at least tangentially related to DURF.
  2. No nazis, terfs, bigots, etc. Go rot in a corner somewhere else. If you have to ask, it probably includes you.
  3. No AI art. Just scribble something yourself (it's for fun, it doesn't have to be "good"), or check out the art resources below :)
  4. You can charge whatever you want for your submission. You're worth it.

Optional Restriction and Theme

If you need some more restrictions to fuel your creativity, try to make something inspired by this year's theme or something that would fit on just one sheet of paper. Print on both sides, fold it, twist it, bop it, cut it, do whatever with it as long as it can be printed on a single sheet of A4 or Letter paper.

This year's optional theme is:



If you're looking for a place to bounce around ideas or lurk to see what other folks are brewing, come hang out in the CULT OF THE LIZARD KING Discord!

Good luck, and don't forget to enjoy yourself :)

What about DURF: Expanded?

Some of you might be aware that an updated version of DURF is in the works called "DURF: Expanded" and that there is an early version of it currently available on my Patreon. So this might raise the question of backwards compatibility: will things you make for this jam still be usable with this new expanded version of DURF when it releases in mid 2025? 

Short answer: Probably yes.

Long answer: DURF Expanded will be backwards compatible with original DURF in most regards without any conversion. There are however, small changes that might be a problem depending on how much the thing you make uses those parts of the rules. Here is a list of the biggest changes.

Of course, I'm always available for question in the Discord if you'd like to know more or need help :)

Art Resources

To enhance your creations here is a list of artists who offer ready-made resources on their Patreons, DriveThru or Itch. Additionally, you can always use public domain art :)

  • You are free to use any of the illustrations found in my Free CC-BY Art Library.
  • Bertdrawsstuff has a Patreon with some really cool illustrations for you to use!
  • Hairic Lilred has a some really nice art available for free here, consider supporting them on their Patreon.
  • Evlyn Moreau also has amazing illustrations available on her Patreon which I highly recommend!
  • Perplexing Ruins has Patreon with breathtaking art available for personal and commercial use!
  • Brooklet Games has some great pieces available on his Patreon!
  • There are lots of evocative pieces from Feral Indie Studios available here!

If you're offering art assets anywhere and would like to be included in this list, shoot me a message on Discord :)


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What happens when the rules lite DURF meets the souls-like genre? DURF SOULS!
A small lunar adventure for DURF
Seven system-neutral artefacts for tabletop roleplaying games
Hungover chaos in a DURF adventure
A combat hack lets players use their environment to their advantage to increase their ARMOR.
Pulp rules for making morally-gray adventurers
An A6 sized micro setting for Durf or other Old School TTRPGs
DURF Character Sheets in Bookmark Format
A One-Shot Adventure Setting and Dungeon for DURF and Other Old School TTRPGs
A book of Arcane Curses (and a new Archetype) for your DURF game
Optional tables, rules and procedures for setting up Domains in DURF
Adventure through a fair to see your favourite band.
A hack and retooling of DURF, inspired by Dwarf Fortress.
A downloadable DURF supplement. A simple design to give "spells" to those who prefer swords over wands
An equipment system inspired by FF7 materias.
An Inventory Supplement and Dungeon for DURF
The RPG of Zany Cartoon Escapades
A TTRPG/Skirmish Wargame for DURF Jam 2024
A silly little adventure for DURF characters with 2-3 Hit Die
A D66 table of festive events, encounters and background details.
Durf's unique religion book
Spelunk the fantastical Dwarvish mine-tombs of the Wrekin. Made for DURF JAM 2024.
A large dungeon module for DURF about bringing justice to a malevolent god based on slovenian folklore
A situation adventure at a wedding celebration.
Foldable one inch (1") dice. Just add tape.
A short adventure made for the DURF Jam 2024.