This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-04-30 22:00:00 to 2020-05-10 22:00:00.

Welcome to the first Dapper Den Clicker Jam! We are here to make games, fast and more importantly "FUN"!


  1. The game must be created and submitted within the time frame of the jam. No starting a head!
  2. The game must be a clicker, incremental game or idle game.
  3. One (1) button is allowed, to bridge the advantage over mouse and keyboard, arrow keys are allowed to be used if a mouse is not used and it can only be used for moving a cursor/selection (think inventory, menu selection, enemy selection etc).
  4. You must only use assets that are either free under a permissive license or created by yourself during the jam.
  5. You are allowed to assemble base-code prior to the jam, such as common utility scripts and snippets. More details in the FAQ down below.
  6. Must be SFW, sorry but them be the rules.
  7. Finally... upload the game here (zipped) in a accessible way (Windows  or HTML), no installers, the simpler it is to play the game the better after all!


# What language or game engine can I use?

Whatever you want! There are no limitations (as long as it can uphold the above rules) for any language or engine. You can use C++, C#, Ruby, JavaScript, Game Maker, RPG Maker, Godot, Unity and many many more!

# What counts as base-code?

Base-code is any code that does not include or relate to game specific logic. This can be an input controller script, utility scripts, scene handlers, collision detection library, graphics library i.e anything that lets you actually make the GAME itself a bit faster once the jam starts. It must however be completely devoid of game specific code, such as enemy behavior and the likes. Think generic functions (reading keyboard, mouse, clicks, AABB collision, Sprite classes and the likes). If you are unsure ask in the #game-jam channel on Discord.

# Do I have to upload my source?

There is not a strict upload the source, but it's generally pretty widespread in the jam community. It allows you to learn and study others, how certain features works and the likes. Sharing is caring! It's highly recommended.

# Where can I find resources?

You can find free resources all over the internet! Two great sites are and

# Any tools I should be aware off?

Yes! Ludum Dare has a good list of software that can greatly help in a jam, it can be found here:

# Where can I find inspiration?

Past jams are always a good, but you can also find inspiration from clicker, incremental or idle games. Similar games can be found here under the Submissions tab:

# Does it have to be an RPG?

No! Feel free to make on, but clickers can be anything from building a cookie empire to populating a dark room with curious guests, there is no reason to not explore different themes, your creativity is the limit here.

# Is the jam public? Will others see my work?

No, only the participants with the URL will be able to see this jam, so upload away!