This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-09-22 22:24:14 to 2024-10-19 03:59:59. View 196 entries
Friends and Fellow Gaming Enthusiasts,
On August 6th 2024, My mom suffered from a stroke in an IGA grocery store Parking Lot, resulting in a minor car accident. The stroke was pretty significant and has left her in a somewhat confused state and lacking the ability to control the left side of her body. I travelled down to North Carolina(I live in Ohio) and found that her Home is in very poor condition. Her well is not producing water so there is no running water to the house, There is no ceiling in her living room, as the tiles have all fallen. The tiles in the rest of the house are in bad shape with signs of roof leakage in some areas. Her storage sheds have collapsing roofs that have kids swimming pools in spots to catch the water when it rains. There's a small bamboo forest nearby that has grown so out of control that it has consumed her side and back yards and needs to be cleared.
So, all of a sudden I've found myself in a position where in addition to my own family and property in Ohio, I must find a way to Maintain and repair my Mom's property 3 States away. I must initiate legal action to obtain power of attorney to be able to access her various accounts and monetary obligations. Additionally, since my Mom is slow to respond to rehabilitation efforts, there is the possibility that i may begin getting billed for the nursing home she's currently in if she needs to stay longer than what the insurance company is willing to cover. Basically, I've found myself in a stressful mess while working a construction job for $15 an hour and taking care of a Wife and two children.
I'm exploring several different options to alleviate the situation, one of which is this. I wish to arrange a Bundle of any and all types of products to raise money for the cause of repairing my mom's home and assisting in her recovery efforts, I'll be going through my own files to contribute to the bundle. I'd propose a 50/50 split where 50% of proceeds go to the cause, while the other 50 is split among participants of the bundle. Additionally, I've begun the process of beginning my own endeavor creating content and producing products, and I would be absolutely happy to promote your individual products.
If You're interested in helping please submit your product to the Jam, as per "Hosting a bundle with open submissions using a jam"
I'm looking to set a price point of $19.99 or $29.99 depending on what all ends up in the bundle.
I'm open to questions and recommendations, or just to have a discussion. You can contact me at
#########-UPDATE- 2 ###########
It's been brought to my attention that many content creators get a lot of requests to join bundles or provide products for free in the name of seemingly noble causes, that often turn out to be scams. With this brought to my attention, I would like to do what i can to put anyone's mind a little more at ease.
I mentioned that prior to the stroke my mom was involved in a minor accident in an IGA Parking lot, the car sat in the parking lot for over a week until I traveled to NC when i got word she had had a stroke. After I found the car there i spoke to the manager to confirm that it wouldnt be towed before i could get another driver to help me bring it home. This can all be confirmed with the information below, for anyone wanting to double check.
The IGA in question is:
Carly C's IGA located at 3501 N Main St, Hope Mills, NC 28348, (910) 425-9440
The Car in question is"
2011 Chevy HHR, Gray
After the stroke, My mom was transported from the IGA to Cape Fear Valley Hospital in Fayetteville, NC. She was there for about 2 weeks before being sent to Highland House Rehabilitation Facility and Placed in Room 75. Which is where she is now.
Highland House Rehabilitation and Healthcare
1700 Pamalee Dr, Fayetteville, NC 28301, (910) 488-2295
As for the house, it is located at 4805 Cameron Rd, Hope Mills NC 28348 and the deed is in the of Pamela Faye Jeffries, my Mom.
As for me, my name is James Jeffries, I live in Sherrodsville, Ohio. I have a Wife, a Daughter(13) and a Son(6). I'm 43 Years old and I work as a construction laborer for a company called ACG Structures based in Carrollton, Ohio.
More information about me can be found at the links below:
In order to be fully transparent, I want to disclose that there is also a gofundme page set up to raise money for the same purpose, but as of this update there's not been a single contribution and i've chaulked that campaign up as a failure. the link to that is here:
I'd like to thank everyone who has contributed so far, and i hope that this puts people's minds at ease. Again, i'm open to provide any more information or answer any questions anyone might have.
#########-UPDATE- 1 ###########
I've received some images from my uncle who has been caring for my Mom's cat while she's been in rehabilitation. I'm including them to show the current state of her home and the amount of work that needs done.