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Thank you so much for these textures! They look great!


Thank you, this is awesome!


So glad you like them!! I hope they help you with your projects!


Thank you for this.


I love these textures, man you are the best !

I hope they help you with your projects!!


Are free textures copyrighted??

And Sorry for my bad english


No copyright, everything is Public Domain! (CC0)


this looks sick, i'm using it

Heck yes! I'd love to see what you do with them!


you'll probably have to wait like 2-3 months even though it's probably like 20 to 30 minutes.

I know what you mean haha


yeah, and school's probably going to force me to change my schedule up a little bit -_-


Game isn't available for download till October 31st, but i used a few of these in a Halloween PSX horror game here:

Here's the trailer for a sneak peak!

Thank you so much!

This looks awesome!! Can't wait to check it out!!


can't wait to have you and everyone else enjoy it!




Hello! I just want to say thanks for the assets. They are really well made. I used them in a game I made for the GDevelop 3D GameJam. Have a good day!


Thanks for all your assets. I wanted to note that there is a way to add the license to the metadata which allows users to discover your work through a search like:

I do think I've got the CC0 tag in most of the packs, though I may have missed it somewhere! Thank you!!


I'm going to be participating in Liminal Jam soon, and I can tell these are going to be very helpful for my project! Thanks for making these packs, they are excellent. :)


Very happy you like them!! Wishing you luck on the jam!


Hi;) Can I Put This On My Game? I Will Make The Credit.!

You can absolutely use these for your game!!


Hello! ^^

I'm not sure what would be the best way to reach out as I don't use Twitter so I'll try my luck here.

I want to ask, do you take commissions? I've noticed you have a Patreon account but I'd be interested in having a bunch of old school textures made. I've been using your texture packs for prototyping and I've come to like them so much I'd actually prefer using them for the final product. Only problem being, they don't cover everything I'd need.

If you do take commissions, do you perhaps have an email address for business related queries? I'd like to know the rate and discuss some other details. For example, I would prefer if any textures I'd potentially ask for were made publicly available like your other texture packs. Not sure if that'd work with you.

Best regards,


I'd definitely be open to it! Feel free to drop me an email at for the best route! Let me know what kind of textures you might be interested in and I will definitely see if I can accommodate your request, and we can discuss any rates etc. I'd be more than happy to keep the same licensing as any of my other assets (CC0/Public Domain) 

Splendid! I send you an email, let's discuss everything there ^^


Are these completely free to use for me to put in my game?

100% Free to use however you wish! 


Amazing packs!


I just bought these packs, but none of them are able to be unzipped 7zip. Any work around? Thank you!

(6 edits) (+1)

Absolutely!! If you're not able to grab a copy of WinRar to open *.rar files, you can totally grab the Zip versions of ANY of the Screaming Brain Studios asset packs HERE free at OpenGameArt! Same exact packs, just packaged as *.zip files :) 

I just haven't quite gotten around to uploading all the *.zip archives to yet! ** EDIT: Actually I've gone ahead and uploaded the Tiny Texture Pack 1 archives in *.zip format so you can grab them here instead of somewhere else! 

(I will get around to uploading *.zip archives for the other asset packs as well soon!)


Awesome, thank you! Ill buy the second pack now!


hey there, many thanks for providing these lovely textures! i've used some of them inthis game i made (with full credits), hope that's ok :)


This is fantastic!! I'm not very good at staying alive, but I love the way everything looks!


yeah staying alive can be quite hard lol, glad you like the visuals!


Awesome textures. I would love to learn about your workflow for creating these.

(3 edits) (+2)

These were made using a number of different tools, texture creation software specifically, using a mix of gradients/filters/remapping/combining/blending 

Genetica, WC3 [unavailable], Texture Maker, Wood Workshop, little bit of GIMP/Photoshop

Some have been made using actual photographs (Mostly grass/dirt textures) and edited using the synthesis node of Genetica, some have been made using different combinations of patterns and random noise, while still others are modified combinations of prebuilt snippets (some tiles/walkways/etc) that would be useful for many projects!


Great seamless textures for my terrain. You're a mind reader. Sometimes you need simple textures. Finding "simple" on the internet can really be very hard. Many thanks for this.


Thank you so much for sharing this asset pack. I ended up using one of the tilesets for a game I wrote. It's called Mystery Miniaturist. Thanks again for the art assets!


I love this!! I'm going to give it a playthrough this evening :) 


Yay! Thank you so much. ^^


cool asset pack