This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-01-01 05:00:00 to 2023-02-01 04:59:59. View 18 entries

From the Zines and Zinesters Discord server, here's a new zine making jam! Don't know what a zine is? Well, traditionally, a zine is a self-published booklet, generally made and distributed by one person or small group of people. Zines have their own underground subculture devoted to making, buying, trading, and collecting them. Most zines are made with photocopiers or home printers and stapled or sewed together by hand. Some people make zines without the use of any computers. Zines are about DIY, about community, about writing whatever you want without worrying about having to go through gatekeepers. Anyone can make a traditional zine as long as they have access to paper and writing implements, or a phone, tablet, or computer!

This jam's theme is "mythology", which was the top voted potential theme in the Zines and Zinesters Discord! Interpret "mythology" however you'd like. You can write perzines (zines of personal writing), make a photo or art or comic zine, write an informational zine, or anything else you can think of! You may work with a team or by yourself.

Some ideas for zine themes:

  • pantheons of deities that are or have been worshipped
  • invented pantheons
  • personal religious and/or spiritual experiences and beliefs
  • local legends and urban myths
  • cryptids and other folklore
  • history as mythology
  • mythology as history
  • people who have left an impact on the world
  • exploring the complexities of which beliefs get called "mythology"
  • fairy tales
  • lore from books, video games, movies, TV, and other media
  • oral history
  • how stories evolve and change over time

If you want to join the Zines and Zinesters Discord server, here's an invite:


  • None! (Well... it has to be suitable for Itch. And no hate speech or jam spam!)
  • You can submit something you started previously!
  • You can submit something unfinished!
  • You can submit a small zine!
  • You can submit a super long zine!
  • You can submit a paid zine or a free one or a pay what you want zine!
  • You can submit a placeholder page!
  • You can submit a page with a link to where your physical zine can be bought!
  • If you are open to physical or digital zine trades, consider listing your contact info on the project page!
  • Have fun!

If you want something to build off of, here's some resources about making zines traditionally and digitally or a mix of both:

Hope everyone has a good time!

Olivia Montoya


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A solo rpg about a journey and the epic written about it a century later
A supplement of the children caught between worlds for the Gloaming Diaries, a game of modern fairytales
A game of mythical adventure on the open road
A queer perzine/manifesto
zine digital (gratuit) et à imprimer
Yes, this really happened
A pocket-sized poetry zine
Mythology zine jam entry January 2023
Poetry zine about goddess Amphitrite, gendered expectations, and becoming a sea monster
Alternate timeline myths about the moon
A zine about powerful women in greek mythology.
Play in browser
Notes about narratives surrounding evolution theory.
A Hadestown lyricbook/fanzine
A zine about snake gods of clean energy.
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A work-in-progress preview of a zine for Mythology ZineJam 2023