This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-12-17 18:00:00 to 2024-01-01 06:00:00. View results


You are not the main character!

How Games Will be Scored Based On:

How closely it follows the prompt (Self explanatory)

How fun it is to play through (Don't make it boring)

Unique mechanics (Be original and unique)

Appearance (Basically make your game look good)

Effort (Please actually try on your game)


Must be created within the time period of the Jam.

Changing the game after the jam is over is not allowed.

No 18+ content of any kind is allowed.

Extra Notes:

When judging, each game will be played for a max of 30 minutes. During this time we will evaluate your game the best we can.

Assets can be used from anywhere, as long as there aren't any legal problems.

In the description box when submitting, please enter your reasoning as to why your game follows the prompt. If one of the judges
is confused about this, they will reference your submission page, resulting in a potentially better score.

Please follow the prompt of the jam.

Winners will be announced on Instagram.

Instagram Handle:



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Your Magic Mishaps Shape a Hero's Fate