This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-11-19 17:00:00 to 2021-12-02 05:00:00. View 2 entries

Creator's Campfire Writing Competition – Write 700 - Prison Redactions

Text entries only. Entries limited to 700 words or less.

Find out more on our Discord Server Creator's Campfire

Theme: Prison Redactions of a letter planning a jailbreak

Theme limit: To simulate prison censorship, the jam hosts will redact 10 words () per entry before the entries are made public. All instances of the 10 chosen words will be redacted. [The jam hosts are not entering the jam.]

Task: Write a letter from prison in 700 words or less (≤ 700 words), incorporating the theme-limit into your concept. Include a description of your daily life and disguise how you are seeking to gain assistance from the outside for a jailbreak. The jam hosts will redact 10 words per entry before the entries are made public. Entries over 700 words will be removed at the end of the submission period.

Work alone or collaborate (credit collaborators).

The entry must be original work created during the jam period.

No NSFW or harassing works, please.

Rating: The entries will be rated 1-5 stars by itch users in the following 3 criteria: Overall Creativity, Prison Break Strategy, Writing Quality. The top-rated submission wins a role on our Creator's Campfire server.

There will be a brief period after submissions close and before entries are made public in which the prison guards (jam hosts) will redact your letters.

Cover image by Ehsan Habashi on Unsplash.


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Jack swivel, the famous candy thief, writes a (not at all suspicious) letter to one of his good old pals Mark Crouger.