This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-08-06 04:00:00 to 2021-08-16 04:00:00. View results

Creator's Campfire Writing Competition – Lightning Round

Express a story in 30 words or less

Find out more on our Discord Server Creator's Campfire

Theme Limit Word: BATTLE

Jam limit:

Entry must be 30 words or less. We realize 30 words is a very tight limit, but with a bit of creativity, surprisingly complex story lines can be presented within that limitation. For some examples, check the pinned messages in the writing channel of our discord server.

Theme limit:

* At the start of the jam, Tank King will use the following random word generator to create the jam limitation ( and will publish it here. The theme-limit word does not have to be written out in your story, but it should be incorporated into the concept in some way, and this will be one of the rating criteria. (You can practice for the jam by generating your own random theme word and writing a story in 30 words or less.)

Task: Express a story in 30 words or less (≤ 30 words), incorporating the theme-limit word into the story concept. Entries over 30 words will be removed at the end of the submission period.

Work alone or collaborate (credit collaborators).

The entry must be original work created during the jam period.

No NSFW or harassing works, please.

Submission on In Create a New Project, go to Details: Description and enter your text in the Description Window. (You may upload one cover image on the itch page to represent the project.)  If you wish to add an explanation about the process you followed, upload a separate document labeled process. This is where you can explain what you did and ask for feedback on how it came across to the readers. We encourage constructive feedback in the comments or on our server.

Rating: The entries will be rated 1-5 stars by itch users in the following 3 criteria: Overall Creativity, Incorporation of the Theme Limit, Writing Quality. The top-rated submission wins a role on our Creator's Campfire server as consultant for the writing channel and for the next writing jam.

You will have 10 days to write the instructions and a week to rate entries.

Cover image by Emil Jarfelt on Unsplash.


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Mini-story about a detective investigating a killer while fighting his own self-destructive urges
Made for the Write 30 jam [Word Count: 30 words]
Written for the Write 30 Jam.
You don't have to let every loss beat you twice.
submitted to a writing jam with a limit of 30 words