This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-05-10 07:00:00 to 2024-05-31 07:00:00. View 64 entries

Are you tired of making good visual novels? Dont you want to go ape shitt?

No need to wait, because now you gotta make the worst visual novel ever created!

Never made a visual novel before? Want to try a new engine you haven’t been able to try yet? Are you a perfectionist who is having a hard time completing things? Or you just wanna make something weird and essentially unmarketable? Then this is the perfect jam for you to start learning and make something without the pressure of making something good! 

Based on the game jam run on the Lemma Soft Forums from 2012 and 2013! This is an unranked jam because we have no clue if you succeeded or failed on making a bad visual novel if you got a high or low rating lol.

Rules and things to keep in mind!

  • Games must be a visual novel/kinetic novel! It can have as many or as little endings as you like and it can be in any engine!
  • Games must be made within the jam’s run time! No premade games or WIPs before the jam starts! You are free to brainstorm, sketch ideas out, and plan, but no work that would go into the VN itself!
  • Gameplay must be at minimum 3-10 minutes! For reference, a 1000 word micro visual novel typically takes 3-5 minutes depending on  reading time and gameplay. There is no limit as to how long to make your game. Heck, it doesn't even need to be finished!
  • Only one main project per account allowed! If you submitted something as the head or lead dev, you are still free to work on other teams submitting their own projects provided you’re not leading those projects too.
  • Please use content warnings responsibly! Yes, even if the content warning is a spoiler. Failure to do so or misusing content warnings can result in your game being rejected from the jam.
  • No explicit NSFW content! You can get racy, horny, gross, and weird, but no explicit gore, sex, 18+ content, or anything that would warrant your game to be marked as 18+. Keep it PG-13!
  • No content  that promotes bigotry (including but not limited to transphobia, racism, etc).
  • No AI generated assets or AI generated writing! No exceptions! Okay sure, the crappiest visual novels use AI generated stuff, but also why the hell would you want to force an AI generator, something that tends to churn out “polished”-looking art, to make something that intentionally looks bad? It's easier and more fulfilling to make something bad with a mouse and your own two feet.   
  • No using assets or content that are not yours and are copyrighted! Assets made by you or a friend, stuff you have bought, and assets licensed under something like Creative Commons etc. are all good, as long as you follow any eventual terms (like attribution and such).
  • It is NOT recommended to submit your game to other concurrent game jams, unless the game jam is also centered around making bad games! The main reason is because we’d feel super bad for the hosts of other game jams witnessing intentionally bad games being submitted to their game jam’s feed lol. Not that we can really stop you from submitting to other jams, but at the very least follow the respective jams' rules and remember you're intentionally making something that's not meant to be a "good" visual novel!
  • Include a disclaimer! Add some sort of indicator, preferably in the game itself and the game's page, that this game is bad on purpose and was made for a jam. This will save whoever randomly stumbles upon your game a lot of confusion.
  • This jam is based on the understanding that sometimes you just gotta make bad and really goofy stuff and to get away from the confines and pressure of making good stuff all the time. Feel free to be as parodic and satirical as you like, but also please be mindful.
  • No harrassment allowed! Be as weird as you want but that's no permission to be a dick to others.
  • If you made a visual novel that's actually good, that's also great! Feel free to submit it to a different jam or work on it after the jam ends! Don't submit it here!


NOT EVEN “it’s so bad, its good”! 


If someone says they liked your visual novel, 


By the way! There will be jam after this for fixing the vns submitted to this game jam. If you’re interested in submitting your game to be “fixed” in the future Fixit VN Jam:

  • Add a neon green wrench on the top right corner of your game's thumbnail! 
  • If you don't want to submit your game to be fixed, that's okay too! Just don't add the green wrench!
  • Please use a Creative Commons license or similar license for the game and all assets and list them somewhere easy for future devs to find, like a README in the game’s files and even on the game's page itself! 
  • We suggest you use a Creative Commons license that you're comfortable using and also allows others to remix your work. No Derivatives means no one can make things derived from your work, so be mindful! 
  • Remember that once a Creative Commons license is used, you cannot revoke it in the future!
  • For a list of Creative Commons licenses you can use and how to use them, check out this link!
  • Remember and most importantly: please give credit where credit is due!


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A purposely bad game made for the Worst Visual Novel Ever Challege, where you touch a man's chest.
Visual Novel
dating is hard as cannibal, do you have what it takes to find love?
Visual Novel
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a story about a story about doing it scared
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Romance the door, be one with door.
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very good visual novel
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as many isekai villainess tropes stuffed into one short game as physically possible
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It's Terrence
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You have drank seven pints. What even is reality.
Visual Novel
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Visual Novel for people who hate Visual Novels!
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A visual novel that isn't like other visual novels because it's a visual novel that isn't like other visual novels.
Visual Novel
Visual Novel
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An exquisite corpse visual novel; the more cooks, the better the broth.
Visual Novel
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Visual Novel
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A deliberately bad VN
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Why is everyone so into dances? I'm just trying to go to business school!
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The world's most quality visual novel
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Hydration is important. Let's worship water together!
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It's a school!!!!!!
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Visual Novel
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A Really Terrible Visual Novel by Ayback
Visual Novel
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[THIS GAME IS BAD ON PURPOSE!] If you play that's on you buddy.
Visual Novel
uyo are a robot gilr who goes outside of her room for the firsts time!!!
Visual Novel
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The worst VN I'll ever make
Visual Novel
Paulina is at a crossroads. Should she go home or walk away? Help her decide in this short visual novel.
Visual Novel
Utter rubbish for the Worst VN Challenge Jam
Visual Novel
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A bad visual novel about monsters and loops, I guess
Visual Novel
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Made for Worst Visual Novel Ever 2024
Visual Novel
Visual Novel
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Your own Brain Route (•‿•)
Visual Novel
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Made for the Worst Visual Novel Ever Challenge
Visual Novel
High-effort shitpost
Visual Novel
You have been invited to an end-of-summer blowout. No one seems quite sure how that happened.
Visual Novel
A visual novel about the Capesy Academy
Visual Novel
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A really bad game about dungeons and dices...
Visual Novel
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please omg this game is a joke pls
Visual Novel
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join the alpha on a teracherosu journey to fid his ex wife (not divorced btw)
Visual Novel
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a purposefully bad walk in the dark.
Visual Novel
You invite your boyfriend out to lunch...Only to try breakup with him?!
Visual Novel
This is a story about a horse named Pickles~
Visual Novel
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Part of the Worst Visual Novel Ever Challenge.
Visual Novel
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A Visual Novel made for Worst Visual Novel Challenge 2024.
Visual Novel
You're stuck in your car and traffic will not move. At least your car comes with a radio.
Visual Novel
You want to eat cherries! But oh no :(
A visual novel about the experience of teeth
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A Visual Novel that goes nowhere
Visual Novel
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Date Shmungus
Visual Novel
Your love life is about to burn just as brightly as your hometown!
Visual Novel
Visual Novel
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You are a new student
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a terrible visual novel, on purpose right?
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terrible visual novel made for the worst visual novel challange
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"One of the games of all time" -Some renowned ciritc
Visual Novel
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a first draft of a first draft of a cat who is mean.
Interactive Fiction
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yes this bad is on purpose. i did this in like a few hours.
Interactive Fiction
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What if the isekai protagonist DIDN'T want to smooch every girl they saw?
Visual Novel
B3$T WAIFUck AWIME EVER!!1!1!1!!1!1!!1!!1!!1!!111!!
Visual Novel
the fog is coming.the fog is coming.the fog is coming.the fog is coming.
Visual Novel
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Get Fisted!
Visual Novel
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Made for the "Worst Visual Novel Ever" game jam. Flaming garbage.
Visual Novel
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