This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-02-13 23:00:00 to 2022-03-07 04:59:00. View results

Workshop Name Contest Details
Dates: Feb 13 @ 7:00PM EST to Mar 6th @ 11:45PM EST
Task: Submit a name to the Workshop Name Jam on 

Name Prompt: What do we do? What would a group of workshops be called?

Rewards 1st to 10th Place: Move on to final judging
Final Judged 1st Place: Listed in New Workshop Discord Hall of Fame + $25 via PayPal

Submission: Submit a PDF/JPG/PNG of the name(s)!


  • If you'd like to vote w/o submitting an idea, submit a PDF/JPG/PNG with the word "submission"
  • Submit a maximum of 5 names per submission
  • 1 submission max per person
  • Nothing NSFW, offensive, or mean
  • Look out for copyright/IP law

As the workshop enters into a new multi-release game development strategy, we are counting on you to create a name that showcases our unique philosophy and methodology when it comes to game development. A DICE GAME WORKSHOP! WOOT WHOOT!