This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-09-25 23:00:00 to 2020-09-27 23:00:00. View results

The results are in...

1st place: Watermelon the last pumpkinbender by Rayvax

2nd place: YOU are the FINAL boss - office edition by GoldenLaboratory

3rd place: The Rotten Pumpkin by SubstandardShrimp and LuisMint

We saw so many other great games this weekend! Congratulations to the winners, and thank you for joining!


Now with better art!

We are adding a new component to Weekend Jam! Read below to learn more!

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Click to see the last Weekend Jam.


With school in the way, it can be harder for young game developers to practice their skills. That’s why we created Weekend Jam. This game jam welcomes programmers of any age and skill level using any programming language, to come together and create a game within a weekend’s time. This 48-hour, low-pressure jam is not just for those who need a break from online school, but for anyone who wants to use their weekend to do something creative.


The theme for this jam is YOU ARE THE FINAL BOSS. We get that some people may not want to compete, and do this just for fun. So while the theme is highly encouraged as games with the theme will score higher, it is completely optional! We do want to see creativity, though, so give it your best shot.


We are experimenting with a new element to be added to the Weekend Jam… a “style”! Like the theme, it is not required at all, but unlike the theme, there will be no criterion based around it. It’s just an abstract subject to give food for thought to developers who are adding art to their game, or otherwise who need inspiration for a mechanic.

As the fall equinox approaches (that is, if you live in the Northern Hemisphere), we thought a fitting style for this weekend jam would be “autumn.” Colder weather, more colors, trees losing their leaves, apple picking and the holidays coming up… what kind of game could you make? 


  1. Premade art, music, and code are allowed as long as you have the rights to them. You should make most of the content of your game within the submission period though, to be fair to those starting from scratch.
  2. Don’t submit a game you published outside the submission period. Again, not fair to others.
  3. Teams are allowed!
  4. Please vote fairly. This should go without saying.
  5. No NSFW content of course.
  6. Have fun!


The voting period will last 48 hours, the same duration as the submission period, to allow everyone to have a chance to vote. Remember, voting is open! The entries will be rated on three criteria:

  • Creativity—How innovative is your game? We accept incomplete ideas!
  • Enjoyment—Is your game fun? Easy to understand and learn?
  • Adherence to the theme—This is for the competitive ones--how well can you apply the theme with only 48 hours?

Good luck! 

            - GDG^meplayer and NotEuclid


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Keep humans away from the tree.
Lord of darkness just had enough.
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Set Traps for the Hero invading your Evil Lair
Show them who's the boss in your company!