This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-11-16 17:00:00 to 2023-11-28 07:59:59. View results


Connected | Rewarded | Encouraged | Accomplished | Together | Empowered

In collaboration with the Global Game Jam and the International Game Developers Association (IGDA), IGDA Foundation, and in partnership with Google Play, we are thrilled to share an exciting opportunity for game developers in Asia and Latin America – WE CREATE ANDROID GAME JAM.

Calling all women, femme-identifying, and non-binary Android developers! Creators are invited to create a polished prototype of an Android game that has incorporated the provided theme. Games will be reviewed by a panel of expert judges and have the chance to be rewarded with prizes ranging from $1,000 - $5,000!

The Game Jam is open to individuals located in the event’s specific region (Latin America and Asia) with teams consisting of at least 51% of the team identifying as women, femme-identifying, or non-binary. For more information, please reference the Game Jam Page and our Terms & Guidelines.

Interested creators can join our Discord to find team members. All qualifying teams and their members must sign up and submit their final product on this Jam Page.

If you are interested in being a mentor or judge for the jam please sign up here.


The theme is: Bridges and Bonds


  • October 18Sign-ups open
  • November 16 - 27: Game Jam
    • Nov 16 @9:00 AM PST: Game Jam Theme Announced
  • Nov 27 @11:59 PM PST: Deadline to submit project/team
  • December 15: Winning Games Announced, Prizes Awarded 

Submission Eligibility Criteria

You must fulfill the following criteria to be eligible for an award:

  • Teams compositions must consist of the following:
    • 51% of the team must identify as women, femme-identifying, or non-binary; and
    • 100% of the team must be residents of a country or territory within the event’s specific region (Latin America or Asia); 
  • An eligible submission may only receive a reward within one region. If a team submits an eligible submission for consideration in both regions (Latin America and Asia), then the Organizers, at their full discretion, will determine the regional rewards for which the submission is eligible.
  • All qualifying teams and their members must sign up and submit their final prototype game by the end of the submission period.
  • Your submission must be a polished prototype.
  • Your Submission must be uploaded to by the submission deadline (11:59 PM PST on 27 November 2023). By submitting, you agree to be bound by’s Terms of Service.
  • You may only submit your own work. Plagiarised, forged, or other copied works will be automatically rejected.
  • The assets contained in your Submission must belong to you or be used under an appropriate license, which you agree to provide to the Organizers upon request.
  • Your Submission must include the name and title of each person on your team.
  • You may not impersonate another person or submit anything on another person’s behalf without their written permission, which you agree to provide to the Organizers upon request.
  • You may only submit one Submission to the Jam.
  • Your submission must be created in the timeframe of the Jam. Previous games you have worked on will not be eligible for awards. However, you may use previously created art assets or systems from other games you may have worked on or from various asset stores as long as they are properly credited.
  • Your Submission may not contain any material that violates the intellectual property rights of any person.
  • Your Submission may not contain any material that is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, threatening, pornographic, harassing, or offensive, or that gives rise to criminal or civil liability, violates any law, contains any malicious code, or violates the privacy of any person.
  • Employees and family members of the Organizers or the jury will not be eligible for awards.
  • The Organizers may, in their sole discretion, reject any Submission for any or no reason, at any time.

Direct questions regarding the submission process or submission criteria to the Organizers at


If you are new to jamming here is a helpful video to get you started on the concept of a game jam:

Here is a set of resources put together for the IndieCade's Climate Jam with tools, tips and technology to help get you started making games or give you a refresher

GGJ also has our own set of resources for jammers:

A good place to start with developing Android games:


Curious about any aspect of the WE CREATE Game Jam (WCGJ) taking place 16-27 November 2023? Check here to see if your question(s) can be answered!

Q: Who can participate in the WCGJ?

A: Anyone and everyone! We welcome participants from around the world, at any game development skill level. Teams are only eligible for awards based on the our Terms & Guidelines.

Q: Where does the WCGJ take place?

A: Unlike the main Global Game Jam event in January, there are no physical sites where jammers go to participate. Join the GGJ discord, go to the #role-assignment channel and add the "Jammer" role then look for the WE CREATE GAME JAM category of channels. There are a whole list of channels there to find team members, chat with your fellow jammers, share your work in progress, ask questions of the mentors and organizers, and read announcements from us about the jam.

Q: Do I need to participate as part of a team?

A: No, this event is open to individual developers as well as teams. We strongly encourage participating in a team for all kinds of good reasons, but solo developers are welcome too. 

Q: How can I find team members to work with?

A: Participants looking for a team can join our discord, go to the #role-assignment channel and add the "Jammer" role then go to the #wcgj-recruit-me and #wcgj-join-our-team channels, introduce yourself and add your name to the pinned Google Sheet or go to that sheet to find others who are looking for team members to work with.

Q: When is the deadline for registration?

A: We would prefer for everyone to be registered by 16 November, so we have a good idea of how many people/teams are participating. But registration is open during the jam as well, so you can register after 16 November as well.

Q: When does the jam start and end? A: The WCGJ officially starts on 16 November, and will conclude on 27 November. All games must be submitted by 11:59pm US Pacific time on 27 November.

Q: When will the theme be revealed?

The theme will be revealed before the start of WCGJ.

Q: How will the winning team be selected? A: A judging panel comprised of representatives of the GGJ, IGDA, and IGDA Foundation, subject matter experts, and regional representatives will make the determination based on a judging rubric that accounts for the overall game design, best use of the theme, visual design, audio design and technical skill. 

Q: When will the winning team be announced?

A: The final team that is selected by the judging panel will be announced on 15 December 2023 at the WCGJ closing ceremony taking place on Twitch and YouTube. 

Q: What types of games are accepted?

A: All types, but the games must be playable on an Android device.



Conectadas | Recompensadas | Animadas | Logradas | Juntas | Empoderadas
Connected | Rewarded | Encouraged | Accomplished | Together | Empowered

En colaboración con la Global Game Jam y la International Game Developers Association (IGDA), la Fundación IGDA y en asociación con Google Play, nos complace compartir una emocionante oportunidad para desarrolladores de juegos en Asia y América Latina: el WE CREATE ANDROID GAME JAM.

¡Llamado a todas las desarrolladoras de Android que sean mujeres, se identifiquen como mujeres o no binarias! Las creadoras están invitadas a crear un prototipo pulido de un juego de Android que haya incorporado el tema proporcionado. Los juegos serán revisados por un panel de jueces expertos y tendrán la oportunidad de recibir premios que van desde $1,000 a $5,000.

El Game Jam está abierto a personas ubicadas en la región específica del evento (América Latina y Asia), con equipos en los que al menos el 51% de las integrantes se identifiquen como mujeres, femme o no binarias. Para obtener más información, consulte la página de Game Jam y nuestros Términos y Directrices.

Las creadoras interesadas pueden unirse a nuestro Discord para encontrar miembros del equipo. Todos los equipos que cumplan los requisitos y sus integrantes deben regístrate y subir su producto final en esta página de itch del Jam.


  • 18 de octubre: Apertura de inscriciones
  • 16 al 27 de noviembre: Desarrollo de la Game Jam
    • 16 de noviembre a las 9:00 a. m. PST: se anuncia El Tema de la Game Jam WE CREATE 2023
  • 27 de noviembre a las 11:59 p. m. PST: fecha límite para subir el proyecto/equipo
  • 15 de diciembre: se anuncian los juegos ganadores y se otorgan premios 

Criterios de elegibilidad de envío

Debe cumplir con los siguientes criterios para ser elegible para un premio:

  • La composición de los equipos debe consistir en lo siguiente:
    • El 51% del equipo debe identificarse como mujeres, identificarse como femme o no binaria; y
    • El 100% del equipo debe ser residente de un país o territorio dentro de la región específica de este evento (Latinoamérica o Asia);
  • Una presentación elegible solo puede recibir una recompensa en una región. Si un equipo envía una presentación elegible para su consideración en ambas regiones (América Latina y Asia), entonces los Organizadores, a su entera discreción, determinarán las recompensas regionales para las cuales es elegible la presentación.
  • Todos los equipos que cumplan los requisitos y sus integrantes deben  registrarse y enviar su prototipo final de juego antes de que finalice el período de entrega.
  • Su presentación debe ser un prototipo pulido. Su presentación debe ser cargada en antes de la fecha límite de presentación (11:59 PM PST el 27 de noviembre de 2023). 
  • Al enviar, acepta quedar sujeto a los Términos de Servicio de Solo puede enviar su propio trabajo. 
  • Las obras plagiadas, falsificadas u otras copiadas serán rechazadas automáticamente. 
  •  Los activos contenidos en su presentación deben pertenecerle o ser utilizados bajo una licencia adecuada, que acepta proporcionar a los Organizadores a pedido. Su presentación debe incluir el nombre y título de cada persona en su equipo. 
  •  No puede suplantar a otra persona ni presentar nada en nombre de otra persona sin su permiso por escrito, que acepta proporcionar a los Organizadores a pedido. Solo puede presentar una presentación al Jam. 
  •  Su presentación no debe contener ningún material que viole los derechos de propiedad intelectual de ninguna persona. 
  •  Su presentación no debe contener ningún material que sea ilegal, obsceno, difamatorio, amenazante, pornográfico, acosador u ofensivo, ni que dé lugar a responsabilidad penal o civil, viole la ley, contenga algún código malicioso o viole la privacidad de ninguna persona. Los empleados y miembros de la familia de los Organizadores o el jurado no serán elegibles para premios. 
  •  Los Organizadores pueden, a su entera discreción, rechazar cualquier presentación por cualquier motivo o sin motivo alguno, en cualquier momento. 

 Para preguntas directas sobre el proceso de presentación o los criterios de presentación, comuníquese con los Organizadores en


All submissions
Browser playable (7)
Windows (3)
Android (16)

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Mobile Puzzle Adventure game submitted for the We Create Game Jam 2023
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A mobile game for 2 people to connect their bonds creating bridges
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Navigate the wreckage, survive the chaos with your leaden cat. Reconnect in a world on the brink!
Bonds that endure.
Visual Novel
is an emotional walk simulator where you guide a lost soul through life's stages—birth, growth, life, and death.
An epic tale about music, friendships and rivalries! Designed, written and "coded" by Cassandra Diaz
A 2D, narrative game where you can find a job, only by giving awkward answers to people at a networking party.
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Delve deep into the spirit realm and bond with mystical creatures
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Created for the Jam "Creating your own story"
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Deliver lost letters in a vibrant town teeming with woodland creatures.
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Use Arrow Keys to play. Runner 2D portrait.
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