This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-07-19 16:00:00 to 2024-07-28 16:00:00. View results


Vetelino's Summer Jam 2024 is a 9-day-long Video Game Development Jam focused on creating games for fun and developing your skills along the way!

Make a game alone, with a friend, or more. Just try to have fun and flex your skills in art, programming, composing, and more. As mentioned, the focus here is not on winning, but on having fun! Submissions will be rated, and we may have a "winner" in the end, but it doesn't matter that much, just HAVE FUN! Please make sure to read everything below to know everything you need for this jam!



(Reminder you do NOT NEED to follow the theme, it is just it’s own rating category if you follow it!)

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Anyone is welcome to join. Team sizes can be as big as you want. No limit on how many there are, so grab a bunch of friends and start developing a great game.

Acceptable for Submission

Anything is acceptable to submit, it only needs to be a game, and it tries to fit the theme. However, you do not need to follow the theme if you don’t want to, it will just be it’s own category during ratings if you follow it! This jam is supposed to be open and casual, so there are no big criteria for submitting. Just make sure to make a game for this Jam specifically! Please do not submit an already finished project from before!

You can use whatever engine you want, like Godot, GameMaker, Unreal, Unity, RPG Maker etc. Just use the one you feel most comfortable with. You can also make your assets and art in whatever program you want, like Photoshop, Aseprite, Blender, Maya, Zbrush, and more. 

Most of the game should be developed from scratch for this jam, but the use of older code or assets is allowed. You are allowed to use other assets as long as you have the right to use them. Make sure to properly credit the stuff inside your game! During submission, please indicate the external assets you've used in the designated field if you haven't already in-game.

You own everything you make, and there's no requirement to include source code or to make your project open-source, though of course you are encouraged to share as much as you're comfortable with.

Also, no worries if you can't finish your game on time, you can submit it late at any time during the jam's voting period. Though they might get less time to get rated. There should be no pressure on time here, if you only have time to create a game within the last 48 hours of the Jam, then feel free to delay and submit a late submission! (Details about late submissions at the bottom!)

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There will be a voting period after the deadline for submissions has ended. The voting can be done by everyone, regardless if they submitted or not. The games will be voted by these categories:

Did it fit the Theme? Did the game reflect the theme in some way? If that were by gameplay, visuals, music, or other. Did the game in its entirety fit the theme of the jam?
Gameplay Was the gameplay innovative? Did the developer(s) make something unique and fun way to play the game?
VisualsWere the visuals stunning? Was it unique? If the art, 3D models, or anything else related to the visuals looks good and deserves some credit. This includes animations as well!
SoundWas the music and sound effects suitable for the game, were they good and catchy?
FunDid you enjoy the game? Was playing the game a fun experience? Did it have a funny narrative/story? Did the gameplay and visuals make it a joy to play? If the game in its entirety make you have fun, then rate that here!

There is no prize, though there might be announced a winner at the end of the voting period. I will play all the entries when the voting period ends, and I'll stream it on my Twitch channel:

I hope that all who join can deliver their games. I want you all to have a good time and a good summer!!

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If you would like to meet up with potential other contestants, discuss game design, ask for help, or just join an overall fun community that loves games + more...

Then do join the Discord Server if you are interested!
> Vetelino's Discord Server <

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If you didn't manage to publish the game in time, then do the following:
  • Publish the game to your page
  • Send me the link to that game on Discord (Add me on Discord, "vetelino")
  • I will then generate and then send a link where you can submit that game to the jam
  • Then all you need is to fill the submission page, and voila, you're done!


All submissions
Browser playable (4)
Windows (8)
macOS (3)
Linux (1)

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You have 10 minutes to save your brother... Can you do it?
30 Seconds - 1 Maze - Can you finish it?
He is coming for you
A fantasy open world 2d platformer rpg featuring lots of demons.
Play in browser
You're forced to dive into the sea to collect fish with your trusty harpoon gun!
Play in browser
A small prototype platformer game for Vetelino's Summer Jam 2024
Play in browser
Life of a Schizophrenic
Prototype for gamejam which will probably be expanded upon
Play in browser
Complete The Courses Before The Time Runs Out!