This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-12-01 05:00:00 to 2022-01-01 12:00:00. View 26 entries

Welcome to the annual Variety Megajam, where we all try to take 10 days out of the last month of the year to make 10 games each.

Normally, I say "make 10 games in 10 genres in 10 days," hence the "Variety" in "Variety Megajam," but this time I think I'm going to let go of that restriction. Make 10 games that are diverse in any way that's interesting to you. If that means 10 game prototypes in different genres, go for it. But maybe you'd like to make 10 games designed to provoke different emotions, or using different art styles, or telling different stories. 

In fact I'd go so far as to recommend that you make 10 games in the same genre, but delivering 10 different emotional experiences. To this end, I've provided ten optional THEMES/PROMPTS that I think go well with "10 games providing different emotional experiences". However, these themes are for inspiration, not restriction. Consider them, but ultimately it's all up to you what you make.


  4. WINGS
  6. HOME

Some tips

In October I made a game every day (see "#droqtober") because, apparently, I couldn't wait for the Variety Megajam! Whoops. So, I have some very fresh thoughts about what helped me get through it, which I hope can, in turn, help you get through this jam :)

  • Use tools that you're already familiar with and that you like, if possible. Not everyone already has a comfortable toolkit, but if you have one, this is probably not the time to try a completely new engine. Of course, it's up to you.
  • Make 10 imperfect games, not 1 perfect one. I think the goal here is to hone your process. When you start work, set an approximate deadline. As it approaches, all you have to do is stop adding new things, and focus on what you have already. Change gears. Make the features you've implemented work well, do them justice, and cut things that you can't.
  • Each day, especially if you're practicing setting deadlines, don't plan to use up all the time available. Use half of it! If you have six hours of free time, plan to  get it done in three. If you find you need some extra time, you'll appreciate having it. And if you don't, great: you can relax and take care of yourself. Prepare some food, or chat with a friend, or go for a walk. Making a game in a day, especially if you're doing 10 consecutive days, is no joke. You need some time to wind down. 

So, set aside 10 days in December, and make a game each day!

That's about it from me.

Let's make some games before the year's out :)


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10 small stories.
Visual Novel
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You're good at solving mysteries, right?
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Who've we got on shift today?
Visual Novel
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the planet was supposed to be empty...
Visual Novel
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Okay, are you recording?
Interactive Fiction
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Two coffees - one black, one ice caramel.
Visual Novel
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eventually, seeds find a way to grow
Visual Novel
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We'll have to make a few substitutions...
Interactive Fiction
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The walks are longer, now, than they used to be.
Interactive Fiction
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sound design & some short scenes end to end. a disjoint little story.
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5 of them!
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a tiny ritual on a bookmark
Beyond your wildest nightmares, lie your biggest scares
Help Jimmy in wiping out his negative thoughts
happy birthday droqen!
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Try to roll as quickly as possible; bounce too high and a parachute deploys
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Small platformer for Variety MegaJam
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Who will prevail? Mouse or Keyboard?
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1X prototype in development (eXplore only)
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