The Typical Game Jam
The Jam starts on March 19th, 6:00AM UTC till March 24th, 7:00PM UTC. Voting ends on March 31st, 5:00PMUTC.
The Jam will be voted on by a select view judges.
Theme Is: Remake Classic (With Your Own Twist)
1st: Blob Blob Pong
2nd: Earth Invaders
3rd: Moon’s Embrace
4th: Angry Tetris
5th: Charlottes Circus
5th: AstroHaul
6th: Roshambo Royale
7th: Flap and Blast
8th: Don’t Take My Castle
9th: Dark Claw
10th: Berzerk Ball
11th: Space Avoiders
13th: Trash Invaders
14th: Hey! Pikmin The Garden Star
15th: DOwOM

- 1st Place:
- 15$ Steam Gift Card
- Get mentioned on Gametric Socials
- Get an exclusive role in the Gametric Discord server
- 2nd Place:
- 5$ Steam Gift Card
- Get mentioned on Gametric Socials
- 3rd Place:
- Get mentioned on Gametric Socials
To get the role you must have your Discord username in your game and have joined the discord. For the Steam Gift Card you must do the same.

- Team size is limited to 3 people (The Gift Cards will be spread out evenly.)
- The theme must be used in some way in the game. If not you cannot win any prizes.
- You can NOT use a game you've previously made or worked on before the jam.
- Late submissions will not be voted on, unless you have good reason.
- Any art used needs to be properly mentioned and credited.
- Games need to be submitted as HTML (Playable In The Browser), Windows EXE is optional.

What you will be voted on:
How good the movement of your game feels, And how well the mechanics are in said game.
How enjoyable your game is.
How well you implement the theme into your game.
Visually how good the assets are used or made. And if they work well together with your color pallets.
How good your sound effects are in the game.
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