This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-02-25 10:00:00 to 2022-03-14 23:59:00. View 10 entries

Join our virtual weekend Game Jam!  Starting from Friday 25th February 2022 at 10am to Sunday 27th at 23:59, your goal is to develop educational language learning games. Besides being a bit of online fun, some of other benefits of participating are:   

1. Showcase your work (winning games will be used by learners at and will be available on 

2. Meeting students from other campuses

3. Prizes

Game Brief 

The game can cover a specific topic or a general area of language learning such as vocabulary, grammar, speaking or listening (any languages except English). There are pre-existing online resources and www.languagespathways (let’s play).

You can also check our Game Jam finalists at and play the two mini-games developed following Game jam 2021: 


Registration will be open to TUDublin students from the diverse programmes (Language, Creative Digital Media and Game Design, etc.). Teams will be formed before the event with at least one person from each of the different disciplines.

Registration deadline: Friday 18th February 5pm.  REGISTER HERE


The event will be hosted on MS Teams. After the launch, teams can continue to use Teams or setup their communication server on Discord or Slack/Whatsapp for instance. There will be 2 one hour-long clinics during the weekend. 


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An arcade educational game you learn the German past tense
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Your lost in Spain! Have you got the language skills to make it home safe and sound?
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A crocodile is stuck in a Spanish zoo and he is trying to escape to find his girlfriend
Educational Game - Spanish
Short journey in france
A french grammar game based in the supermarket created by Team Jaguar
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