This jam is now over. It ran from 2014-10-01 04:00:00 to 2014-12-01 04:59:59. View results

The rules for this event are simple:

  • Create a game (or games) with LiveCode
  • Submit it (or them) between October 1st and November 30th
  • Play and rate other submissions!
  • Any platform welcome *
  • Most Importantly: Give credit where credit is due.**

*If you are not including source stack(s), keep in mind that not all users are on the same platform, we recommend including standalones for as many platforms as possible.

** Freely available, external artwork and media may be used as long as it is licensed explicitly for such reuse (GPL, Creative Commons, Public Domain, etc.) The artwork authors should be credited. This applies to sounds and graphics likewise.

What is LiveCode?

LiveCode is a multiplatform development environment which empowers you to create apps that run on every major device and platform -- iOS and Android as well as Mac, Windows and Linux Desktops, the Web and Server environments. On top of all that, it is open source!

What Can I Make With It?

While the focus of this event is games created with LiveCode, You can create just about any kind of application that you can imagine. This is an example of an iPad platformer designed in LiveCode. For an idea of the many different things you can create with LiveCode, check out the LiveCode Showcase.

Where can I get It?

LiveCode can be downloaded from the LiveCode Website. If you use the open source community edition, please see the licensing information. In short, if you are using the free community edition, you will be required to upload or make available, a copy of your source under the terms of the GPL license. We would love if everyone would share their source with the community, but we understand that not everyone may feel this way. If you are an indy,commercial, or pro licence holder, you will not be required to share source.

What can I submit?

You can submit ANY game that has been created in LiveCode. We want as many people as possible to submit games, so for the Very First LiveCode Game Jam we will allow any LiveCode created game, no matter when it was created. Even if it has been released elsewhere already, we still encourage you to submit it to the jam. 

What are the prizes?

The prize for the highest ranking original* game submitted will win a 1 year Commercial Indy License of LiveCode!

*By original we mean games that are being released for the first time. Games that have already been released through another channel(i.e. app store, google play, etc) are welcome to enter the event, but will not be eligible for the Grand Prize.

I have more questions. Who can I contact?

You can direct any questions,comments or suggestions to:


Join the forum thread here.


All submissions
Windows (10)
macOS (9)
Linux (7)
Android (1)

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dragonballz dragons dragonball
A small space shooter game
Just like at the fair.
How high can you jump?
Frogger Rocket - COLLECT THE COINS!
What lies in your future? Ask the American Fortune Cookie!
Modify your tank trucks to make them cross the terrain as fast as possible.
How powerful are your fingers? How fast do you click?! Play this game to find out!
Quiz game on countries, capitals and flags of the world.
Button Minefield