This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-06-21 05:00:00 to 2023-07-23 05:00:00. View results

Hello, and welcome! I am AmalgamAsh and it is time to unveil a new special jam for users of Smile Game Builder.


The Smile Game Builder Summer 2023 Game Jam!

It's the fourth annual jam!

Watch this page for ALL MANNER of updates -- and  please read the following sections to learn more!


Let's continue to build an environment in which old and new developers alike can create! To allow even more time for Summer development, submissions now begin June 21st, the first day of Summer for the Northern Hemisphere!  However, you can join and begin preparing your entry NOW -- but be wary, for this year, there will be a SPECIAL THEME revealed at the beginning of the jam submission period!!

The window is long, but I have found that this helps some developers conceive more ambitious projects, and gives other developers more time to consider their project.  Please take your time in crafting an experience that you want to share!

The jam is open to all participants who have Smile Game Builder, has prizes and community voting, and there are only five requirements to submit, listed below.


The goal is to get experienced as well as brand new SGB users to create works,

 and continue strengthening the community of Smile Game Builder and RPG Developer BAKIN!

Smile Game Builder remains a steadfast, straightforward and easy-to-use tool to create RPGs, Adventure games, puzzle games, and visual novels -- it is my hope that others will use it to create great experiences not only for others to enjoy, but to further their own game development understanding and confidence!


There is a special theme connected with this jam!  The jam theme is...


The End is a term that brings finality or closure to a story!
You are free to interpret and use this theme as you wish, but it will be one of the judgement criteria!

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ THE JAM RULES

There are five rules your submission must follow to participate!

1.  It's made in Smile Game Builder!

What does this mean?  It means that your game, demo, work in progress, proof of concept or project file be made using SGB. You must have made your work in Smile Game Builder, but you CAN use the unity exporter to develop your game further in Unity. 

What will be disqualified?:  Games made in Unity but NOT made in SGB! (」°ロ°)」

2.  It's for the Jam!

What does this mean?  It means that your work (or, an update to an older version of your work) has not been published elsewhere before.  If you have already published your work somewhere else, it won't be original for the jam.  However, after you submit your work to the jam, you may distribute it anywhere you want, even at the same time, or to other jams!

What will be disqualified?:  Entries that have been published elsewhere before the jam!

3.  It must be free!

What does this mean?  It means that your submission to the jam must remain free and accessible to anyone who wants to play it.  You cannot charge money for your submission.  If you want to make a paid game but still enter, you can submit a free demo, with restrictions or limitations, to the jam.  This is an rule by default, but it is listed here for clarity. In the past, the rule "OK to distribute commercially after jam is done."  But this time, the submission must remain on the jam page freely!

What will be disqualified?:  Entries that attempt to circumvent this rule; also, participants who remove their entry after the jam may be unable to join future jams hosted by AmalgamAsh!

4.  You Must Own / Have Permissions to Use the Assets!

What does this mean?  It means that you must either own or have permission to use all of the assets that are contained within your game.  If you aren't planning on using any third party assets, then everything that comes with SGB will be fine.  DLC and other asset packs made for SGB will also be fine, as will your own customized assets.  Basically if you have the permission, license or ownership to use any assets and materials in your game, you will be fine.

What will be disqualified?:  Projects that use trademarked or copyrighted sound, imagery or other assets which are not licensed for third party use.  All entries will be vetted during the judgement phase, and they MUST be disqualified if they use assets that you do not own.
Games with music or sound that is not licensed for use on platforms such as YouTube (i.e tracks that require a license to be shared on YouTube) will also be disqualified.

5.  Agree to allow the game to be played on video platforms!

What does this mean?  AmalgamAsh (and possibly other judges!) will play your game for a video platform such as YouTube, Twitch, etc... by submitting, you agree to allow the gameplay footage to be published!  While this is a given for past jam participants, it was never formally announced and is clarified here!
For this new rule, it is especially important that your music and sound assets are completely usable - YouTube's content ID system will immediately tell if music or other sound is licensed by a third party!


Jam Dates The JOIN period for the jam is now -- to join, click the big blue button at the top of the page!
The SUBMISSION period for the jam will be 2023-06-21 at 00:00:00 CST.
The JUDGEMENT period for the jam will be 2023-07-21 at 00:00:00 CST.
The END of JUDGEMENT, tentatively, is 2023-08-21 00:00:00 CST.
Please be aware of the times depending on your time zone.

Please note, that if the jam gets a very large amount of submissions, more time may be granted for the judgement phase.
This decision will be at the host's discretion and will be announced if applicable!

If you want to JOIN and SUBMIT on the same day, it's OK!

Judgement Criteria
To determine the prize winners at the end of the judgement period, each work will be judged by the community of participants for a special community-voted prize!
However, after that, an assigned team of judges will then rate the games for the grand prize!
Game Fun Factor - how fun your players thought your game was to play.
Game Design - how well designed your players thought your game was.
Game Narrative - how engaging or interesting players thought your narrative was.
Theme Presence - how prevalent the jam's theme was in the game.

However, for those who only want to join for fun or to get their work played on the channel, don't worry about these criteria, as they won't affect your submission at all!

Judgement will be done by participants as well as a special panel of judges -- everyone who submits a game will be allowed to rate the other submissions for a special community award!  However, PRIZE judgement will be done by a panel of judges.  More information to come!


Finally, we get to the tasty part (not as tasty as the feeling of submitting a project)!

ALL qualifying participants of this jam will receive:

A video or series of videos by AmalgamAsh playing their submission! (is this more like a punishment!?)

The highest ranked community-voted submission of this jam will receive:

...An official SGB DLC of their choice! SPONSORED BY SMILEBOOM!

...MelonToucan's SGB Expressions Pack ($7.50 value) AmalgamAsh voice pack of their choice!

The Judge-ranked GRAND PRIZE winner of this jam will receive:


...MelonToucan's SGB Expressions Pack ($7.50 value) AmalgamAsh voice pack of their choice!

Now get to making!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ASKED QUESTIONS:

Q.  Can I start working on my game now?
A. Yes!

Q.  Are Non-English Games OK to submit?
A. Please submit games in English. (DeepL, machine or other translation method is fine!)

Q. Do I have to use the theme?
A. The theme is judged, but you don't have to use it - you can join for fun, and may still win!

Q.  Is there a Discord?
A.  The Official RPG Developer Bakin Discord (formerly Smile Game Builder, but still inclusive of all SGB users!) is here!:

Q. I bought (or got for free) third-party assets, such as plugins, characters, tools, animations, models, or music.  Can I use them in my game?
A.  Please be sure that the seller has authorized the use of their assets in your project.  There should be explicit permission from them to use it, on the page where you buy the assets, or it will be included with them.  Works with a CC0, CC-BY or MIT license are best.  If you are not certain, you can ask AmalgamAsh!

Q.  How can I use "The End?" for my game?
A.  Some examples can include the following, but please interpret however you wish!:
-a story or obstacle is resolved
-a magical treasure has been won, or lost...ending the quest! 
-The Final Chapter
-"This is how the story really ended...."
-Multiple ENDINGS.
-"I can't believe it's finally over...."
-a long journey comes to an end

An AmalgamAsh Jam.


The Smile Game Builder Returners 2022 Jam - Penitence: New Blood (Oktobrlove)
The Smile Game Builder Summer 2021 Jam - Liam Davies PI: The Miserable Clown (Tyymo) / Dracula: A Gothic RPG (Angel Star Studios) 
The Smile Game Builder Summer 2020 Jam - (unranked)


All submissions
Windows (5)
macOS (3)
Linux (2)
Android (1)

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Is AI Real? Is she Real? A surreal unique adventure about Artificial Intelligence.
A girl named Nyx explores a tower of dead people's stories, uncovering her own fate.
"Eternity of Heroes" was the best game you'll never play!
Role Playing
Today is Mort's last day alive. What will he do with it?
A dark and depressing dating sim. Enjoy the miserable outcomes!
Interactive Fiction
Niall has been poisoned after eating a cupcake. It's up to Liam and Jake to find out who made it and why.
Interactive Fiction
Free to play
Interactive Fiction
This is the remake of Chinese old RPG for The Smile Game Builder Summer 2023 Game Jam
Role Playing