This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-09-29 17:00:00 to 2023-10-22 21:59:00. View 13 entries

Welcome to the long-awaited, first-ever Keywords Katowice Game Jam 2023!

The time has finally come, and it is now time to team up and squeeze your brains to make an epic game! 

You will have 3 weeks to complete your quest - starting on Friday, 29th September 2023 at 19:00 until Friday, 20th October 2023 at 17:30 - this platform will be open for you to submit your new creations.  

After the submission period is over, the games will be shared throughout the whole Keywords network, so all Keywordians from every corner of the world will be able to see your fantastic creations, play them, enjoy them, and better yet - vote!

There will be 7 winning categories:

■ Best Art 
■ Best Sound / Music 
■ Best Story / Plot 
■ Most Innovative / Original idea 
■ Most Fun 
■ Best Game Design 
■ Best Game Overall 

Don't overwhelm yourselves trying to fulfill every single category, the most important part, and what you really need to make sure of doing is to stick to the theme! About the rest, just try to squeeze all the creativity your brain has to offer and enjoy the adventure!

Before getting all busy creating your awesome games, please get acquainted with all the rules, we don't want any bad surprises to happen, now, do we? 

You can check all the Game Jam rules here!

The picked theme is:


If this is your first time participating in a Game Jam, panic not! For we have stolen valuable information from the depths of the Internet that will surely aid you in your Game Jam quest.

Besides that, we highly encourage and recommend you to have a look around the platform, and check how other submissions for other Jams look, so you get an idea on how to prepare your game's page.

Here are some useful links:

1. Wonderful video by Brackeys about how to tackle a Game Jam for the first time. It'll surely help you figure out how to start!

2. A super complete guide done by hedgiespresso of asset sizes for whenever is your turn to prepare your game's page:
➡️ Click Here! 

3. Here's a couple of websites that talk a bit on how to approach a Jam the right way:
➡️ Game Jam Beginner Tips for Success
➡️ A Definitive Guide to Completing Your First Game Jam


If you haven't yet, join the Game Jam's Discord, we will be using this to communicate with participants outside working hours. It will be also a great tool for you guys to ask for help and share knowledge. Join here!

So, with all of that being said, it is time for us to wish you the best of lucks, learn a lot, make new friends and HAVE FUN! 🐱‍💻


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Browser playable (1)
Windows (7)

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An adventure game where you play as a cat who wants to travel the world.
Play in browser
Horror game with the theme "Around the globe" created by Keywords' finest for 1st Keywords Game Jam!
Is it platforming if it's going in circles?
KWS Katowice Game Jam 2023 - Team 22
Revive a desert planet in this 3D twist of a classic game
We are the G.O.D.S
Around the Globe
Use E for interactions like talking with NPC, or doing "repairs"