This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-04-02 18:30:00 to 2020-04-09 18:30:00. View results


The number one rule is have fun! 

Don't be disrespectful

No NSFW submissions, NSFW submissions will be removed.

Theme- Will be announced once Jam has begun

You can use pre-made assets etc. But please do give proper credit if you do so

Please stay within the time frame.

Questions You May Have 

Is there a team member limit? No, there is not work with as many people as you wish

How long is the Jam? 7 Days

Can i use a Game Engine? Yes, you can, if it is not a well known engine make sure supports it.

Can i enter even if i have never made a game? Yes, this jam is for anyone and everyone, its all about Fun. Anyone from a beginner to a pro can join, its all about having fun and improving as a game developer. 


Submissions will be judged on 5 things: art style, gameplay, creativity, audio(music, sfx etc), and how well it fits the theme.

Anyone can vote.

Development Resources

General Game Engines
Unreal Engine | Unity | Godot | GameMaker | Construct2 | Defold
Text Adventure
Twine | Quest
Pixel Art and Vector Art
GraphicsGale | Krita | GIMP | Inkscape
3D Modeling