
EGaDS! is proud to host its annual game jam again this year! This jam is open for EGaDS! members, UT students, developers in Austin, and anyone interested in game jams online!
Who are we?
The Electronic Game Developers Society is an interdisciplinary organization for students at The University of Texas at Austin (UT) with a passion for game development. Our mission is to help students grow as developers while fostering a supportive and welcoming community.
How do I join?
Join the Discord server for the game jam to chat with participants, mentors, and club officers. The game jam will be a hybrid event, so you can join it from anywhere or join us on campus! You DO NOT have to be a UT student to participate. Anyone is welcome to join regardless of their skill level, and we will be having a game jam workshop for those that need it. Additionally, industry mentors will be there to help out Jammers. Jammers can choose to create their own team, go solo, or get matched with a team through a Google form.
Only you can save the world… Dennis - Allow character customization
Randomizah - Make a game where the levels, enemies, and player stats are ALL randomly generated
For EGaDS! - Promote EGaDS! in your game
Look, it’s me! - Embed a video or picture of every member of the team, somewhere in the game
Funny Icons- Give all icons in the game an unconventional shape.
But what about my 3DS? - Make a game that can be played on the original hardware of a game console
#1 on Trending - Upload a YouTube trailer of the game that gets at least 500 views before the jam ends
Lounge Diversifier - post an image of your finished game or your development process in the Texas Game Jam Lounge
Ultra Speedrunner - Make it possible to beat the entire game in under 5 seconds.
What’s the wifi password - make your game multiplayer and playable with others over the internet
The Joker - Add at least 1 punchline in your game
I’m Speechless… - no text in your game
My Voice is Everything - use your voice(s) for EVERY sound effect and music
Musical Minimalist - Make a game where the music only uses one instrument
We the Big 3 (aka Sonic Heroes) - You play as 3 characters at the same time in your game
Out of the Controller - Your game can be played in its entirety by something that is not a mouse, keyboard, or a traditional PC/console controller
Monochrome - Create a game using only black, white, and shades of gray.
Running in the 90s - Make a game that only uses the original 4-color game boy color palette
One Button - Make a game that only uses one button to control
Achievements - add in different achievements/challenges the player can complete.
Difficulty- Have different difficulty levels
Best Overall - DOOG - Take #2 to Tango - Team 13
Runner Up: Prom: Paradise and Pandaemonium - Team 33
Runner Up: 2 Duds with Suds - Team 39
Best Design - Duoo - Team 41
Runner Up: Match My Funk - Team 6
Best Visuals - Canine Cocina - Team 20
Runner Up: DOOG - Take #2 to Tango - Team 13
Best Sound - Flames of Fury - Team 9
Runner Up: Nest Quest - Team 25
Best Narrative - Cloudy Duet - Team 4
Runner Up: Together in Spirit - Team 22
Best Use of Theme - Prom: Paradise and Pandaemonium - Team 33
Runner Up: 2 Duds with Suds - Team39
Best Technology - DOOG - Take #2 to Tango - Team 13
Runner Up: Badman and Robbin - luis204
Best Solo Game - The Boy and His Bird - Aquas999
Runner Up: Tortured Fandango - Sophia/Cats
Best Beginner - The Boy and His Bird - Aquas999
Runner Up: Canine Cocina - Team 20
Most Diversifiers - Tango to the End of Time - Team 34
Runner Up: DOOG - Take #2 to Tango - Team 13
Most Funny - 2 Duds with Suds - Team 39
Runner Up: Two Neighbors - Baconsizzle1738
People’s Choice Awards: 1st: Together In Spirit - Team 22
2nd: Nest Quest - Team 25
3rd: Canine Cocina - Team 20
4th Place (Tie): Intertwined - Boba Bandits
4th Place (Tie): The Dancing Blade - Team 21
Judge’s Choice Awards:
- 2 Duds With Suds - Team 39
- The Boy and His Bird
- Prom: Paradise and Pandaemonium
- This Town is Big Enough - Team 40
Thank you to all the Judges, Mentors, and Participants!