Week long GameJam starting at 29.10.2022 15:00 and lasting till 5.11.2022 15:00. Voting starts at the same time as the Jam ends and will last till 12.11.2022 15:00 (all times are CEST). Theme will be announced few minutes prior to the GameJam start.
Watch out for Daylight Saving if you are living in a country affected by it! :)

Games are rated by following criteria
- Fun
- Theme
Games will be rated by Tesak & judges. You can become judge just by joining our discord server and asking to become one. This have been done to prevent people from exploiting the public voting system and at the same time allowing non-developers from our community to take part in the game jam by rating and voting. Submissions won't be visible up until the GameJam ends so you can prepare your submission page in advance.

- Make yourself familiar with itch.io system of pages and project management.
- Prepare new blank project & folder structure for your project.
- If you are using git - setup your repository.
- Plan to make small game that can be finished in 4 or 5 days.
- Join us on Discord & YouTube (check bellow).

Discord: https://discord.gg/jDKNupuJDv
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK0vcauhKdRF638SZnHGpJg

- You may use any engine you like to create your game.
- You may use any graphics style you like.
- Reusing existing code & assets is allowed to an extend. Majority of your game SHOULD be made during the GameJam - that's the fun of it.
- Don't include any malicious code in your submission. Any submission with malicious, unstable or dangerous software will be removed, reported and submitter banned from any future events.
- This is an exclusive GameJam. This means you can only submit project created for this GameJam specifically.
- Supported platforms: Browser, Windows. Any submission not including either of these will be removed.
- Any form of discrimination is not tolerated.
- Please avoid politics, religion or any other sensitive topics in your submissions or communication.
- Submissions may be removed at the sole discretion of the organizers.
- No new content may be uploaded after the submission deadline! If you happen to find game breaking bug that can be avoided include that in your entry's page.
- Any submitted game might be featured in related video on Tesak's YouTube Channel.
- Don't forget to get some sleep & Have fun! :)
Anything you make during GameDev & Chill gamejam is your property.
Any project submitted to GameDev & Chill gamejam may be featured on Tesaks Entertanment social media accounts and video platform channels without your expressed permission.