This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-07-05 04:00:00 to 2021-07-19 04:00:00.
> Theme: Synced Together
the0show@itchio:~$ Welcome to the Summer 2021 Terminal Jam! Participants of this jam are challenged to create a game in 7 days (extended to 14), that runs entirely in the terminal, like MS-DOS games. You can use whatever programming language you'd like, as long as it can build to an executable file (.exe, .app, .AppImage).
> Jam Rules (the usual)
the0show@itchio:~$ Who can enter the jam?
Anyone from anywhere 13 years or older can join the jam. If you are younger than 13 years, please ask a parent or guardian to submit the game for you.
the0show@itchio:~$ When will the jam begin?
End of Jam/Start of Rating Period
the0show@itchio:~$ What can I make?
The only rule is to keep the games PG-13 or below.
the0show@itchio:~$ What can I make my game with?
Any programming language that runs in the command line and can build to an executable file (.exe, .app, .AppImage).
the0show@itchio:~$ I can't build to an executable, is that ok?
Leave detailed instructions on how to run your game on your game page (what version of the runtime required, what file to run , etc.)
the0show@itchio:~$ What assets can I use?
All assets you have the legal right to use, although the majority of the game will be made during the jam.
the0show@itchio:~$ Can I use preexisting code?
Yep! Preexisting code is allowed, however we request that you don't write code specifically for the game until the jam begins.
the0show@itchio:~$ Do you have a Discord server?
Yep! You can join here! (You must be over 13 years old to use Discord)
the0show@itchio:~$ I found someone breaking the rules!
Please use the report button.
the0show@itchio:~$ My question wasn't answered here >:(
You can ask in our Discord server, or email me at