This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-07-24 21:00:00 to 2020-07-26 21:15:00. View results

Join our discord to meet fellow devs and form teams

we will be making announcements about the jam and presentations in the GGS discord server


The theme is...



- Work alone, or in a team. Can create teams beforehand. Ask around in the Discord if you need a team!
- Theme will be announced July 24th, 4 PM at the start of the jam
- No sabotaging other projects/teams
- Be respectful to other participants
- Give credit if you used outside assets with permission (Things such as: music, art, code, etc.)
- Give credit if you use 3rd party Artwork/Music/Audio assets (i.e. Mario sprites)
- Make your game related to the theme in some way
- Make your game during the Suns Out Jam Out game jam. No premade games.


If you would like to present your games to the GGS we will be in our discord shortly after the jam ends in voice chat playing the games so everyone can see. please feel free to join in.


For this game Jam we will be using 5 criteria for judging the game submissions. 

Fun, Aesthetics,Technicality, Design, and Theme.

We have 3 judges who will be announcing winners after presentations


All submissions
Browser playable (2)

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