Welcome at the Summer Game Jam, the hottest game jam of the year! This jam will take place during the summer multiple times, and participants can win multiple prizes, such as
- Best art
- Best music
- Best story
- Best concept
- Best game
The head prize is the prize for best game. Here are some details about when the jam will take place:
- The jam will take place from 3 August 12:00 to 10 August 14:00
- After this jam there will be 1 other week for the second summer game jam. When this one will take place is not decided yet
For the jam, there also are some rules:
- You may use assets or premade things from others, but only if you have the permission to use it
- If you use any assets, you must have before you read this. Adding assets after reading this or during the jam is not allowed
- You cannot make anything before the actual jam starts at 3 August 12:00
- You cannot give away any idea’s to other people. Keep your work for yourself till the jam has ended
- You may not steal any idea’s from other people
- You can have a team to work with, but the max amount of team members is 3
- This is a jam for digital games, and not board games
- Have fun;)
Hopefully everything is clear now, and if not, you can always contact us.
Hopefully see you later in the jam!