This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-10-19 12:00:00 to 2022-10-26 20:00:00. View 9 entries

This is the submission portal for the second assignment in Studio 1 - Walking Sim. The jam will close at 8AM on Wednesday 10/26 the start of critique class - make sure you submit by then!


  • Test BOTH your builds before uploading, if possible!
  • Include instructions, credits, and content warnings if appropriate.
  • Building takes time, and you won't be able to touch your computer while it's building, so plan accordingly.
  • Make sure you get rid of unnecessary assets in your Assets folder directory before building so it doesn't take forever.


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To the dream
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A Biography of a Psycho Musician.
Another ordinary day on the city train...
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She used to sing, and he killed that. A play by Susan Glaspell (1916).
Answering the call we all need to hear.
Walk along the paper streets of NYC
A day in the life of Gug the Cockroach and his memories of the people he lives with.
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