This jam is now over. It ran from 2017-01-08 08:00:00 to 2017-01-10 08:00:00.

The holidays are over, you probably ate too much, you are going back to work next week and you still procrastinate (just talking to myself)..

Hello there, if you are just like me, a lazy, fat, slow turtle that just realized your free time is ending and you did nothing the previous weeks, this is your chance. I am hosting a jam (last minute decision probably just a couple will join) where we can all stop being disgusted and ashamed of ourselves and actually create the 48hour masterpiece prototype game which we wanted to create the previous months but never actually started.

But Why?

Ok there buddy you want to make a prototype, why such a huge deal? Do you really think that a whole game jam setup will help you? And finally why do you think it will interest me? (some thoughts you might have).
  • First I MUST make that game complete because it is a university project. I could make some very fast and easy but I want it to be SUPER COOL, IMPRESS MY CLASSMATES and add it to my lame portfolio. So it has to be the best it can be. But also as I mentioned I go back to work next week and it must be finished ASAP.
  • Besides this game jam host is my public announcement calling you (and me of course) to do something. If you don't do anything it will be OK as you are not obligated to do so, but if I don't do anything I will be lame and stupid (add will add a video saying I am a lazy, fat, slow turtle).
  • Another reason I make it a game jam is not to feel alone, as I will think others have join, and also I will stream the process.
  • Finally I am pretty sure that this situation doesn't only affect me, but YOU as well. If you know that feeling come and join.


Well, No Theme. The concept of the jam is to stop procrastinating, you could use that as a theme, but developing anything should fit the theme (because you stopped procrastinating). (Tip: Get out of your comfort zone explore something new).

Personally I am gonna make a first person multiplayer banana shooter, in an old warehouse with abstract glass breakable cubes.

I' have been thinking this project lately because:

  • I want to make a multiplayer game,
  • I want to check thinks like indoor lighting and glass shaders,
  • And finally, use simulated objects (broken glass) in a game.

I will upload later my TODO list with the tasks I have to complete.


Fun fact: I will (at least try) to stream the entire process. It is super hard as I am still learning stuff (and probably will mess up) but it will be funny as well. You can:

  • Stream as well using the hashtag #stopProcrastJam.
  • Watch me forgetting semicolons and do such silly errors while listening to my favorite music (mostly OSTs).
  • DON' T watch me forgetting semicolons and do such silly errors BUT JUST listen to my favorite music (mostly OSTs).
  • Ignore everything I said and continue procrastinating.

Rules & PS

Rules are the classic game jam rules (I am pretty sure you know them)... Two main things:

  • Don't steal (use your own content or CC content)
  • Don't do anything disrespectful for others

PS: Sorry for the way I write, English is not my main language and I haven't written such a long text since elementary school.