This jam is now over. It ran from 2019-03-16 15:00:00 to 2019-03-17 04:00:00. View results

THE THEME IS Connected/Connection GLHF everyone!

We hit our sub goal so that means its time for a 12 hour stream, and a gamejam to go along with it!

The stream:


  • Engines are allowed (Unreal, Unity, Godot, ect..)
  • Only teams of one or two.
  • No 3rd Party Packages, no asset packs. (Everything made from scratch, Ugly programmer art wanted!)
  • 12 hours to work on the project, 1 bonus hour for packaging and uploading.

Focus on a singular feature and polish the experience around that one thing. The theme will be randomly decided first thing at the start of the stream. The judges will be industry professionals with decades of experience in the game industry, so no pressure or anything!


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Windows (6)

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Match the connected squares to the same-colored background tiles.
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Short puzzle game
A game made in 12 hours
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Game about linking r something
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A platformer about reconnecting
What could possibly go wrong with straightening a mirror?
Entry to the Steamy GameJam #steamyjam
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A Game about Game development. You rely on your teammate to move forward.
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