This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-11-26 20:24:31 to 2024-12-23 21:01:00. View 14 entries

A new year brings with it a lot of pressure. Resolutions, failing those resolutions a few weeks later... it's a rough cycle. Let's do something about that!

This jam is all about creating things to encourage people to try new things, stick to their resolutions, or even just learn to relax. Heck, make something that reminds people that time is endless and choosing to start new things on January 1st is no different than starting on May 7th or September 12th. Or a zine about how resolutions suck. Anything to do with the new year will do!


There are only four rules:

  1. You must release your creation during the jam period (from November 26th to December 23rd). Nothing released before November 26th can be entered, even if you made a huge update to it after then but released it before.
  2. It has to be a game (video game or analog/tabletop/card/TTRPG game) or a zine. Feel free to take liberties with what a "game" is, but if making a zine, make sure it's something that can be printed and folded into a readable zine. Plain, unfoldable PDFs do not count as zines!
  3. It has to be related to the new year. But you have LOTS of room to play with there. It can be about Chinese new year (despite this being December), the ceaseless passing of time, focus on empowering people to grow in the new year, or even encourage people to come up with totally ridiculous resolutions like walking to the moon. You can focus on the weather of the new year, regardless of what that is. Or Janus (who January was named after), or calendars, whatever! 
  4. No NSFW (sexually explicit or overly violent) work please (I forgot to include this when I made the jam).


We'll be collecting creations after the jam ends to put together a co-op bundle. This will be a pay-what-you-want bundle, so people can get it for $0 if they so choose. Any payments will be equally split amongst the creators, or at least the best I can since itch won't split percentages (like 4.5%). This is by CREATOR, not CREATION: if you enter 5 things, you still get a single share.

If we get more than 50 people to submit things, I will pick 50, so that everyone will earn at least 2%. But our jams generally get 20-25 people anyway :D

You can choose whether you want to be in the bundle or not by entering your email (if you want to be in the bundle) in the submission form or not. If you don't enter your email, you will not be added to the bundle.

Once the bundle is assembled, I'll need to get approval from every creator. This will go on a one-week-at-a-time cycle: I'll reach out and give everyone a week to approve, and whoever doesn't approve will be removed from the bundle and a new one will need to be approved, until everyone approves it within the single week.

Since this jam doesn't end until the 23rd, if it has to be given a second cycle of approval, it won't launch until after 2025 stars. But that's fine - it'll still be early in the new year! 

Join Our Discord 🧡 

If you'd like to chat with other creators (particularly tabletop and zine creators), check out our server! It's a chill, cozy place :D


All submissions
Browser playable (4)

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A game about trying (and drawing!) new things
Train rides, kind strangers, and Georgian sweets
Visual Novel
Play in browser
A solo journaling RPG about New year’s resolutions based on the Second Guess System!
A solo journaling fishing game in an 8 page zine!
10 things you can do for trans and gnc youth in 2025 <3
poetry about resisting linear time by being relentlessly trans
An 8-page mini zine about learning to love the person in the mirror.
Your character is you as another number.
A magical moment on New Year's Eve
A year-by-year review of someone for 1 player
the universe's point of view on eternity
My new years resolutions for zine making in 2025!
A zine about Magikya's future year and a short thought on New Year resolutions.