This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-02-01 20:30:00 to 2024-04-03 04:00:00. View 3 entries

Welcome to the WGS Western Time Traveling Mecha Spring 2024 Game Jam! This is a fun and creative opportunity for you to make a game using the theme Western Time Traveling Mecha. You can also choose a part of the theme if you do not want to incorporate all of the elements. You can interpret the theme however you like, as long as it is respectful and appropriate.

You can work solo or in a team. You can also invite anyone you want to join your team, even if they are not part of the club or the school.


You will need to submit your game by the deadline on Please read the submission guidelines carefully before you start.

DO NOT UPLOAD PROJECT FILES. You must upload an executable for your game.

NOTE: In order to submit your game to, your .zip file must be UNDER 1GB. This won't affect most projects, but please be mindful of the size of your game once compressed. If your file is more than 1GB, you may utilize the Butler tool to upload your files to More info on that is here. Also, check out Blendo Itch Uploader, a GUI for uploading projects to


Submission will be reviewed by a panel of judges. They will look at a game's use of theme, fun factor, gameplay, visuals, audio, and story.

You can use any game engine or tool that you are comfortable with. You can also make art, music, and sound effects. The only limit is your imagination!

 Sourced (non-original) assets are allowed but will not be reviewed and scored.

  • Example 1: A scene with environment art from the marketplace could get points for lighting and composition, but the pre-made assets wouldn't. 
  • Example 2: A scene with sourced audio could get points for implementation (spatialization, real-time modulation, etc), but the sourced audio wouldn't.

Awards - still being decided

  • Quantum Sheriff: For the game that most creatively and effectively incorporates the 'Western Time Traveling Mecha' theme into its gameplay, visuals, and story.
  • Lone Ranger: Recognizes an outstanding game developed by a single participant, highlighting their individual talent in bringing a unique vision to life.
  • Time-Traveling Posse: Specifically for the best team game, recognizing exceptional collaboration, teamwork, and the synergy of skills and ideas to create a memorable gaming experience.
  • Wild West World Builder: Recognizes a game that effectively builds an immersive and thematic world, skillfully combining elements of both the Western and Mecha genres.
  • Saloon Symphony: For the game with the best use of music, combining elements of Western tunes with futuristic melodies in a unique and harmonious way.
  • Echoes of the Frontier: For outstanding use of sound effects, creatively integrating the sounds of the old West with futuristic audio elements.
  • Outlaw Innovator: Recognizes the game with the most innovative gameplay mechanics.
  • Best Puppeteer: Celebrates the animator with the most skillful and lifelike character animations, akin to a masterful puppeteer.
  • Rustic Renderer/Pixelated Pioneer: Honors outstanding artistry that uniquely fuses Western aesthetics with mecha elements in a visually captivating style.

If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to ask on the Discord server. We have a friendly and supportive community of game developers who are eager to help you out.

We hope you enjoy this game jam and have fun making your games. Good luck and happy coding!


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