Welcome everyone! We are excited to see you all join GEMS’ Spring Term 2021 Game Jam~
And for newcomers who are not aware, what is Game Jam; Game Jam is an event where you form a group to make a game based on a specific theme. Everything will be run through the GEMS discord. If you are a Portland State student and do not have access to the discord then please reach out at gems@pdx.edu.
Theme: Cryptids
Some rules for the Game Jam:
- Don't be a jerk
- Give proper attribution/respect copyright law
- There are no limits on the amount of people that can contribute to one team. We only request that there is at least one PSU student within your group.
- You can make teams on our discord in our general channel.
- Once when you create your group, we encourage that your team create a
separate Discord to link back to us, so that officers and other members interested in seeing your progression can join your discord and see that. Twitch is also fine to link as well.
- After the Game Jam, we encourage teams to not polish their games anymore until the showcase expect for the case of major bug fixes.
Please feel free to ask an officer if you have any other questions regarding the rules!
Suggested Timeline:
- Friday:
- 8-9: sketch out theme and mechanics, delegate responsibilities
- Saturday:
- morning-6: implement game play mechanics, generate music and art assets
- 6-sleep: no new features, link all the assets to mechanics
- Sun:
- GEMS Logo
- Skateboard
- Photo Finish: use photographs as assets
- Hourly Reports
- High Score
- Feature Creep: add random feature mid-way through
- Game Ham?
Modifiers are things you can optionally add to your game.