The Jam where you only give one choice to the player!
The Single Choice Jam is a short unranked jam where you have only one restriction:
you can give players only one choice or action in the whole game!
The rest... is up to you!
Constraints and Rules:
- There should only be One Choice in the entire entry - only one page in the game may have multiple options to choose from.
- Other links between passages are allowed, as long as there is only one link on each page (with the exception of the page that has the One Choice).
- Non-story passages like Title Pages and Side Menu (settings, codex, etc...) are not restricted by this rule.
- Parser-like games are allowed only one room with more than one action. Any other room can only have one action.
- Movement (NSEW), inspections (X/LOOK AT), etc.. all count as one action; HELP and WALKTHROUGH do not.
- The Jam is open to any program/medium, as long as the piece can be considered Interactive Fiction (i.e. the game is interactive, and its focus is on the text).
- The Jam is open to any language.
- The Jam is open to NSFW content, as long as you indicate it in your submission.
- Spam or hateful content will not be accepted.
- During the duration of the jam and the two weeks following the deadline, the submissions should be free to play.
- You can submit up to 3 entries!
Possible Softwares to create Interactive Fiction:
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At the end of the Jam, we will create an IFDB page for every entry. The IFDB, or Interactive Fiction Database, is an IF game information catalogue, creating a historical record of the IF landscape. You can also create this page yourself before the end of the Jam!
Contact the organisers for questions or if you'd rather not be included.
You can also opt-in to see your entry submitted to the IF Archive (the entry will be playable from its IFDB page) or submit it yourself!.