This jam is now over. It ran from 2019-02-17 06:00:00 to 2019-03-17 05:00:00. View 32 entries

A warm fireplace, a frosted window, steam from a hot cup of cocoa, a thick sweater, the purr of a friend.

Submissions due before March 17th, although late submissions will always be welcome (time limits & deadlines are not cozy).

Heavily inspired by Project Horseshoe's white paper, "Coziness in Games: An Exploration of Safety, Softness, and Satisfied Needs".

Please make a cozy analogue game. Analogue games can be card games, roleplaying games (RPGs), live action roleplaying games (larps), interactive fiction, any mix of these, or anything else that is not a digital game. Here are some details that will help you make your game for this jam:

  • There is no constraint on size or length, make your game as short or as long as you want.
  • You are encouraged to charge for your project as you deserve to be compensated for your art. However, please include a consideration for folks who do not have the financial means to purchase your games. Great examples I've seen of this are a plaintext .txt file of your game's text available at a reduced cost or for free on your project's page, or a notice that someone in financial hardship can obtain a free copy if they email you.
  • Please INCLUDE any number of the following elements in your design:  Abundance, Consent, Friendship or Romance, Gifts, Smooth Transition, Protection & Support, Focus, Mundanity, Refuge or Escape, Welcome, Seasons, Safe Rituals, Intrinsic Rewards, Optional Activities, or other elements you find cozy.
  • Please DO NOT INCLUDE the following, unless used as a juxtaposition to elements of your game's coziness: Pressure or Intensity, Violence, Secrecy, Extrinsic Rewards, Required Activities, Responsibility, Dangers or Threats, Common Phobias, Intense Stimuli (this also applies to your game's presentation), Non-consensual Social Presences, Confinement, Opulence or Excess, Need-based Motivation.

A cozy invitation to this jam from the paper: 

Dear designer whom I care for, I wish for you that game-making be a refuge from the storm. I take joy from the games you make, and I hope you feel fulfilled when you make them. As a colleague, I want you to feel safe to express your inner self, to take creative risks in your craft. As a friend, I wish that you can escape the ever-present hurry and pressure of our industry and world, into a restful, healthy practice. If you feel comfortable, I invite you to make a game that reflects those moments in your life that were meaningful, where you were content and cared for. I invite you to make a game that offers moments for players to reflect and be at ease. You don’t have to show it to me; you don’t have to share it with anyone. But I would like to be a companion in the journey towards cozier games, and I think others would, too, if you would have us. It’s difficult and slow and I’m probably asking a lot from you. But if you try and fall short of your expectations, please know that I will still support and celebrate you. I care about you, and your work is but a small part of what makes you wonderful. Good luck, if and when you’re ready.

We are looking for short analogue games that represent coziness. You don't have to read the full essay linked above, but you can if you want! There are a bunch of great explorations of coziness in video games, the goal of this jam is to create great examples of coziness in analogue games!


This jam was organized by Taylor LaBresh of Riverhouse Games. He is available on Twitter @LeviathanFiles should you have any questions.


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A Sweet Community Building Game
A solitaire game about reliving stories, recognizing the past, & rewriting the future.
a two-player game about cozy café romance
a game about tending to a loved one after they transform into a handful of seeds
A group storytelling and drawing game about gentle change in a forest grove.
a reflective mini-LARP about commuting on public transit
a one-player dragon larp
A cosy RPG for 1+ players
A warm and cozy RPG about pleasant happenings
a downtime recipe game
A cozy game for two players about the life of a pair of mittens
A cozy TTRPG for 1-4 players plus a guide about making art
A 2-4 player RPG where players work together to collaboratively tell a story.
a LARP for a home that needs love
An Objective Engines game of summer and exploration
A cozy game about making memories
A GMless tabletop game about living in peace with your friends
Cyborgs playing in an endless junkyard of the future
A game of taking stock and remembering what you have.
A two player LARP about finding comfort in strangers
A collaborative RPG for two players of discovery through the writing of fond letters.
A duet about sharing time with people you care about.
A curious fey creature learning about humanity
An short rpg game about listening, advice, and finding warmth in conversation
A short, cozy, tabletop game for two players
A single player ttrpg of kindness
A game about a group of friends who reminisce how they supported each other through the hardships.
A game of making sandwiches, peace and love.