This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-09-01 06:00:00 to 2023-10-20 06:00:00. View 8 entries
Hello My Fellow Game Devs and Jammers!! Welcome to the 5th Annual Scare Me Shakless Jam!! This is a game jam that is all about horror, and is based around the Month of Scares for the Superchocolatemilkshake Channel (link down below). This is a un-ranked jam that is lenient on whatever game you submit, weather you made it specifically for the jam, if it;s a project that you've been working on for a while now, or if this is a game that you have already made, just submit it and I'll play it!!
1. Nothing NSFW: Any and all games that are submitted to this jam will be played on youtube, and while I'll allow some blood and gore, please no nudity and nothing too inappropriate
2. Don't submit someone else's game: I've had some trouble with this in the past, I've also heard of certain youtubers being hacked because they downloaded a game that didn't come from the original author. So I'll keep it simple, it has to be yours. If it's a game that you worked with someone else, then get in contact with them and get it approved to share to this jam. I'll always give credit and will include download links of the submitted work with the video. If you want to suggest a game, then you can comment it on one of my youtube videos, or contact me through my Discord (Link is down below)
3. Respect each other: Ok, this one should go without saying, but I'll add this here as a friendly reminder anyway.
4. ???????: I'm in your walls...
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