This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-05-31 22:00:00 to 2021-06-21 22:00:00. View results

Hello, ladies, and gentlemen!
Welcome to Raiders Jam, the game jam inspired by the Indiana Jones films.

In this game jam, you have to make an adventure game where a person goes on an odyssey to find a historic artifact. Your game has to be finished in THREE weeks and will be starting June 1st. After the deadline, people have 1 week to rate some game's criteria on a scale from 1 to 5 (criteria being art, mechanics, fun, and structure). There isn't really any prize here, it's mainly for entertainment and learning from each other, much like many other game jams. I'll be playing and commenting on all the games that are submitted, and I might even make a live stream playing all of them! However, there is a catch. In your game, the main objective is finding an artifact which this year is gonna be the Holy Lance (shown at the bottom of this page). If your game does not contain this objective, it will be removed from the submissions.  Here are some other rules:

Rule #1: Don't steal code made by other people. Working together is allowed, but just taking code from someone who isn't involved with your game is a big no-no.

Rule #2:  Be nice, and use common sense. Instead of saying: "lol this game sucks",  talk about what the creator could improve and give valid criticism.

Rule #3: Don't use or steal assets from other content, especially not when it's copyrighted.

Rule #4: You can have NSFW content in your game, but it has its limits. Nudity is not allowed under any circumstance. Mild gore however, is. You're also allowed to have foul language.

Rule #5: Have fun!

Artifact: The Holy Lance!

The spear that stabbed Jesus Christ, as he was hung to the cross.