This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-05-04 06:00:00 to 2024-05-05 22:00:00. View results

This game jam is a weekend jam, made to suit students. This jam is meant to be easy-going: have fun, and try to innovate and learn new things!

- it's open to beginners as well as the experienced.

- the jam is remote only: there will be no scheduled meeting place, and the theme will be announced directly via the page.

- You can suggest us any theme you want through this google form :

THE THEME : [ to be announced ]


Note : please post a game respecting the following conditions : 

- Avoid politics / religions if possible

- No NSFW / lewd stuff

- Basically nothing that could be discriminating toward a group of people/someone in particular


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A golfer becomes way too frustrated by the fact that he cannot play his favourite game in 4D
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Help this monk to destroy his body to reach greater strength
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