This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-02-27 23:00:00 to 2023-05-28 17:00:00. View results

What is the Productive Game Jam?

Productive Game Jam is a free to join game jam that helps it's participants focus on developing and finishing their game in the span of a bigger time-frame. It's goal is to provide some driving force for those who are easily distracted or discard their projects before their completion.

Do you crave some motivation to create a new title? Well here it is! Are you already working on a game? Good, don't stop! Have something that you've locked away? Well dust it off then, it's time to finally complete it! The aim of this jam is to have you finish your game before the deadline, and end up with something you are proud of. 

How to Participate

  1. Join the Productive Game Jam
  2. Work on your game
  3. Release it on


Currently your award is that you've managed to complete a game and successfully part-took in a jam. Additionally people will play and rate your creation and provide you with potentially useful feedback.


  • Finish your game within the time limit and submit it before the deadline
  • You are only allowed to submit games that are finished & released during the jam's time-frame
  • Both Teams and Solo devs are allowed
  • You are not restricted to any theme
  • You can have multiple entries
  • You are allowed to use any game engine
  • You are allowed to use media content that you have licensed
  • No AI generated content is allowed!
  • No fan-games, parodies or anything that infringes on someone else's rights is allowed! Submit only YOUR ORIGINAL work!
  • No meme games or asset flips!

Note that games are monitored, if you are in violation of any of the above rules, your submission will be removed. SPAM GAMES will be reported, and will be prevented from joining any game jams on the website.


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Browser playable (4)
Windows (3)
macOS (2)
Linux (2)
Android (1)

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A girl's picture collector small game
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Chill planet builder
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A game when you fight against 3 different bosses
A short adventure about a young and very impressionable boy in a creative graphic style!
Breakout game
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An interactive, "Choose-Your-Own-Adventure"-style comic book with branching story architecture and RPG elements.
Visual Novel
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Shape-based tower defense with strategic gameplay.